
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

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A Study on the Teaching of English Speaking Using Games To the ninth Year Students of SMPN 3 KEDIRI





Thesis 1

A Study on the Teaching of English Speaking Using Games To the ninth Year Students of SMPN 3 PARE-KEDIRI. Thesis. Institute of Teaching Training and Education XXXXXX.

Key words: A teaching speaking, reading comprehension, the ninth year students of SMPN 3 PARE-KEDIRI

As developing country, Indonesia really needs English and government is trying to improve all aspect which usually faced by all countries. One of those aspects is education, which is essential. The writer as an English teacher to be, has to focus attention to the teaching English as international language.
There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those speaking is difficult to master.
Teaching Speaking can be done through games. Kind of games which introduced are Domino Instruction, Sweet reason, What do I need?, and Dream sequences.
The use of Domino Instruction are the first player begins by choosing a card marked (*) and laying it on the table giving an instruction, for example, first, fill the kettle. If player 2 has the picture card showing the next player does not have the next card in the sequence, the turn passes to player 3. If player 2 lays down the wrong card (stage 3 or 4, instead the stage 2). He/she may be challenged by the player with the real stage2. Player 2 must then back his/her card and the turn passes to the player with the real stage 2.
The use of Sweet Reason are Player 1 chooses C card from the cards he/she holds and reads it out, for example I lit the fire … Any other players can complete the sentence with suitable R card for example… because it was cold.
The use of what do I need? Are place the card faced down in a pale on the table. Send one person out of the room. Take the top card off the pile and look at it. Ask the students to return. He/she must guess what activity is pictured on the card by asking what things are useful or necessary for that activity. The other player must answer his/her question.
The use of dream sequences are the first player chooses any card and lays it down on the table, describing the first event in the dream, for example, I found my self in a garden with huge flowers.
The result of the study of teaching speaking using games were the students got chance to use oral language, by doing the games the students feel relaxed, free and confident in learning English in the classroom. The arising problems during the activities are situation in the classroom was very noisy and crowded. The students’ pronunciation and structure was poor. But the writer could overcome well.


1.1 Background of the Problem
It is known that English is an International language which has been received by countries all over the world. The function of it is as a means of communication in meeting business or other activities among government over the world. Beside that English is used at science of knowledge, new invention in field of modern technology, pharmaceutical, medical, etc.
As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English because Indonesia government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all countries. One of these aspects is education, which is essential. As an English teacher to be the writer focuses her attention to the teaching English as the language of the world.
In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught to junior high school, Senior high school even at university. English means that something important for the student to be taught at school based on situation and condition of the object area. But there are some problems that faced by the students. It is realized that most students get bad mark. So, it proves that English is really difficult for the students. There are four skills in learning English they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is very important because speaking and human being cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express their ideas and to communicate to people in civilized world. That is way speaking is important. But the students of SMP or graduated of it still get hard to be a good speaker. The problems are:
First, the students feel ashamed and afraid to speak English, so they never practice and use target language and they always use mother tongue in the classroom.
Second, for the teacher, they did not use variety of teaching such as visual aids. The teacher has to motivate the students to learn English in the class, and create the method of teaching. So the students will feel relaxed, and freely in using English in the classroom. The teacher must make afford to understand the material well. In learning English, The students are expected to reach four skills. Among those, speaking is the most difficult to master.
Teaching speaking can be done through dialogues, picture, games, etc. The teacher should choose a suitable ways such as: using games. If the teacher uses it, the students will have a lot of opportunity to practice pronunciation and communication or in other words it means that the students will get knowledge or input from games. Games which introduced to the students are Domino Instruction, What do I need? Sweet Reason, Dream sequences.

1.2. Problem of the Study
After analyzing what the writer discussed in the problems above, the following step is to make of the study problems. The writer tries to formulate what she wants, in order to achieve the target. Based on the problem above can be formulated as follow:
1.Is there any relationship between games activities and improving the speaking ability to the second year of the students SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri?
2.How is reaction of students after given the material using games?
3.What kind of games activities should be used?

1.3. Purpose of the Research
Each research must have purpose, it depends on the topic, which carries out, consist of:
1.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games are suitable to improve the speaking ability at the second year of the students at SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri.
2.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games can give students encourage to learn speaking.

1.4. Significance of the Study
The research is used for:
1.The writer: to fulfill the participle program of the studying at IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG, one of requirement of which is to write a thesis in order to get Strata one Degree in English studies.
2.The students: this research can be used to increase the student English achievement.
3.The teacher: this research can be used as an item to enrich the inventory of English library.

1.5. Limitation of the Study
To avoid misunderstanding to estimate what the writer has explained, the writer will give object; ones will arrange the thesis organize each problem more easily. The focuses are more intensively on the problems that have been in this research. The writer will discuss:
1. Among the four skills, the writer teaches speaking only.
2. The writer uses games in teaching speaking.
3. Games which introduction are Domino Instruction, what do I need? , Sweet Reason and dream sequences.

1.6. Definition of Key Term
The writer includes some definition of key term to support the readers understanding this thesis easily. They are as follow:
1.Teaching is the action to organize something which has contact with learning, so created the situation than can motivate the students to study effectively.
2.Speaking is to express taught a loud using the voice or talk.
3.Game is activity in the classroom with rules a goal and element of fun.

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Student’s Learning Achievement with Traditional Assessment and Portfolio Assessment.






Student’s Learning Achievement with Traditional Assessment and Portfolio Assessment.
A Thesis
English Study Program of Language and Arts Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, XXXXX University.

Traditionally, assessment is held at the conclusion of a unit of study. Certain grade is used to decide the understanding degree of the students to the subject. Traditional assessment includes multiple-choice questions and asking students to respond the questions with short answers.
Portfolio assessment is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s effort, progress, or achievement in given areas. Portfolio can be viewed as a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor the growth of student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a specific content area. The indicators of portfolio assessment are daily test result, structured tasks, anecdotal record, and report of the student’s activity out of school.
The purposes of this research are to describe the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment, and then find out the difference between the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
The design of this research is ex post facto. The population is the 1st class of students of SMP 4 Jambi. In selecting the sample is used clustered random sampling. The students of class 1A and 1B of SMP 4 Jambi are chosen as the sample. The data collection is done by observation and collecting the documentation. T-test is used to analysis the difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
Based on the analysis, the researcher finds that mean of the class with traditional assessment is 60.00 and mean of the class with portfolio assessment is 70.31. By using t-test at the level of significance () 0.05, is got tratio is bigger than ttable, that is tratio = 2.833 > ttable = 1.992, it shows that there is a significant difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
It can be concluded that the student learning achievement with portfolio assessment is better than the student learning achievement with traditional assessment at the level of believe 95%. But portfolio assessment is better implemented in small class because teacher will be easier in managing the class.



Praise be upon to Allah SWT: The Lord of the Universe, that under his blessing and great guidance, I eventually able to complete this thesis as one of the requirements of achieving the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Study Program, Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University.
In accomplishing this thesis, I deservedly would like to acknowledge my deepest appreciation to the following persons who have helped and supported me to finish my thesis:
1. Drs. Yon Adlis, M.Pd, as the first supervisor who has given his charm ideas, suggestion and many other things which were useful in completing this thesis.
2. Drs. Marzul Hidayat, M.A., as the second supervisor who has given his correction, beneficial opinion and encouragement in the process of writing this thesis. He also gives his warm support and advises me to be more patient on finishing this thesis.
3.Drs. Syahrial, M.Ed, Dra. Rosinta Norawati, M.A., and Dra. Yelia, M.A. as the examiners team in the seminar of thesis proposal and in the thesis examination., for their time, contribution of thoughtful and ideas toward the development of this thesis.
4.Drs. Makmur, M.Hum as the academic advisor who has guided during the study in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
5.All of English Study Program lecturers who had taught during the study in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
6.All of her classmates in English Department. Thanks for the nice relation and enjoy class.
I would like to express my appreciation and faithful gratitude to my beloved mom, dad, brother and sisters, and also my beloved candidate husband, who voluntary spend their endless love and time for praying, take care of me and support me to finish writing this thesis.
Finally, researcher hopes the readers could contribute developmental criticism and suggestion to improve this thesis.

The Researcher

Background of the Research
Language learning is important for human’s social development. As a language which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English holds the key as international language. English is a tool of communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social-cultural, science, and technology goals. Moreover, English competence is important in career development, therefore students need to understand and use English to improve their confidence to face global competition.
English as a formal subject is given to junior high school (SMP) level, which the goals are translated as follows: “The goals of teaching and learning English for this level are improving the four English skills. They are the mastery of the receptive skills (reading and listening) and the mastery of the productive skills (speaking and writing), within a specified word level and relevant grammatical structures and notions, in the context of the specified themes which are enclosed for junior high school (SMP) students” (Balitbang Depdiknas, 2002:42).
The fact shows that the result of teaching learning English is still low. Somantri said (2003) that there can be a wonder about the condition of the student’s English ability. The students have learned English from the first-grade of junior high school until senior high school, but most of them still cannot use English as tool of communication. Zamroni in Somantri (2003) found that it not only happened to the students who have score below five, but the students who have score over eight in junior high school can not use English in real communication in their level. Besides, their receptive skills are also below the expectation. For example, the students who have graduated from senior high school, they still find difficulty in reading English literatures (Balitbang Depdiknas, 2002:1).
These failures are influenced by many factors. According to Zamroni in Somantri (2003), it happens because of the education system at school just transfer the dead knowledge where the knowledge is separated from the application. Teachers teach materials that will be tested. The goal is that the students get good score in the final test. While Ali in Ant-O2 (2005) argues that the low of the students quality in teaching and learning English happens because the students are used to memorizing and doing multiple choice assignment. Both of arguments above show that the process of teaching and learning English is not so support the improvement of life skills. Students can get good score in the final test and they can memorize the theory well but they cannot use English in real communication.
Assessment is one of important thing that has important role in education. The importance of assessment in education is stated by Hughes (1989) who says that the proper relationship between teaching and assessment is partnership. By assessment process teacher can discover how far students have achieved the objectives of a course of study. Teacher also can use the result of assessment to analyze which material that should be explained again and which instruments that should be repaired. Besides, assessment is useful for the students to motivate in teaching learning process.
Based on the earlier observation, researcher finds that most of teachers still use traditional assessment. The students are given some tasks in the form of multiple choice, do the LKS, practice a dialog in textbook and another task, which make the students as a passive subject. Traditional assessment includes multiple-choice questions and asking students to respond questions with short answers. Many kinds of task are given in order the students can respond the questions with correct answers in the final test. The product of learning is more emphasized then the process it self. Teacher gives quizzes and tests to assess cognitive aspect only. This kind of assessment is just recall student’s memorization.
In traditional assessment process, teachers give less attention and rarely to assess the student’s work. It brings the students become lack of attention toward their error in finishing their work. According to Kasiram (1984:10), learning will be on the decline if the students do not know the result of their work. The students want to know feedback of their effort in doing the work as a motivation in learning process. Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002:48) stated that students would be more motivated in learning if the students know the result of their work as a feedback.
Under the government policy, the Ministry of National Education develops new curriculum to improve the education quality that is Competency Based Curriculum. The success of Competency Based Curriculum may be consider successfully if followed by the change of teaching and learning strategy at class, the choosing of media, and the choosing of assessment process. (Balitbang Depdiknas, 2002:1). Assessment processes in Competency Based Curriculum are
more varies. One of them is Portfolio Assessment.
Arter & Spandel (in Luitel, 2002) state the notion of portfolio. The literary meaning of the term ‘portfolio’ is a collection of the past work. However, in the context of assessment, portfolio does not represent only a mere collection of the past work. The Northwest Evaluation Association urges that the portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s effort, progress, or achievement in given areas. Portfolio can be viewed as a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor the growth of student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a specific content area.
The indicators of portfolio assessment are daily test result, structured tasks, anecdotal record, and report of the student’s activity out of school (Budimansyah, 2002: 108). These indicators are put on the list and documented in a file. From the collection, teacher assesses skill of the students. Teacher turns the students to see their ability in learning by using portfolio and turns the students to be careful in doing the work, pay attention to the error in their work and correct the error.
Based on the background, researcher interested in studying the student’s learning achievement in the classes which use traditional assessment and portfolio assessment. Researcher was conducting this study on the students of SMP 4 Jambi, with the title “Student’s Learning Achievement with Traditional Assessment and Portfolio Assessment”.
Formulation of the Problems
The problems of this research are:
3.How is the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment?
4.How is the student’s learning achievement with portfolio assessment?
5.How is the difference between the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment?

Objectives of the Research
Based on the research questions above, the main purposes of this research are to find out the following:
(1)To describe the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment.
(2)To describe the student’s learning achievement with portfolio assessment.
(3) To find out the difference between the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.

Significance of the Research
The result of this research might be significant for education field, in the form of giving information to the teachers and the students about how portfolio is implemented at school especially at SMP 4 Jambi. Furthermore, it might be able to help the teachers and the students understand benefits and weakness of using portfolio assessment. It also can be a reference for further research, especially a research about portfolio assessment.

The Limitation of the Research
This research is limited to the following problems:
4.The lesson that will be studied in this research is English subject for the 1st semester of the 1st Class at SLTPN 4 Jambi.
5.The subjects who are involved at this research are the students of the 1st class who still use traditional assessment and also the students who have used portfolio assessment at SLTPN 4 Jambi.

The Researcher
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Teaching Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya





Teaching Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP brawijaya
Alhamdulillah, the writer has finished his thesis; it is only through His blessing and mercy enabling her to do it well.
The writer’s sincerest and deepest gratitude is also addressed to those who helped him in accomplishing the complication of his thesis especially to:
1. Drs. Mukarom, M.Hum. as the thesis advisor who has given his valuable guidance and suggestion sincerely and patiently during the process completion of the thesis.
2. The lectures of the English Departement of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, who taught his knowledge especially in English and helped in conducting the research.
3. Mr. Drs Soebagyo SE, SH, MM Head coordinator of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.
4. Librarians of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang for their patient to serve him by lending some reference books.
5. Drs. Agus Irawan as the headmaster of SDN Besowo III Kepung-Kediri, who allowed him to conduct a research there.
6. His beloved husband and her little daughter, who always encourage her to finish his study.
7. Her beloved parent, older brother and his sister for their affections and guidance for him in facing life patiently.
8. His classmate, who gave their suggestions to him in finishing his thesis.
Malang, June ………, 2007


In this chapter the writer will explain about the background of study, the scope and limitation of study, the statement of problem, the purpose of study, the significant of study.

1.1. The Background of study.
Everybody ever read, hear, see, and tell something occur around us in daily life. As the human beings who live normally, we do our activities everyday. We never just quiet without do anything because we live in this world which full by things that we can do, see, hear, feel, and touch. The examples are reading newspaper, watching television, seeing a movie, and listening to the radio. Connoly (1951: 1) states that we read because of hunger of information or amusement or solace, owning appetite for truth seems to grow by what it feed on men read to discover them selves and their world, to asses their special rules in the universe, to learn the meaning of the personal struggles in which they are engaged in other worlds, we want to share experience.
To study reading is very important as the student of English department, because there are many advantages from study reading. By reading, we will be able to increase our knowledge on culture. If we read every rule in written English from our country, we will know what our country is like. For instance read novel from another country, we will get more knowledge about the other country with Its culture. In English Department, we study English do not only master of grammar or vocabulary but also master the culture of the target language. If we do not know about the culture, we will get difficulties to understand to communicate with a native speaker. Although, we may learn about English words through the dictionary, we still need to learn the English culture, so the communication can be understood and avoid misunderstanding.
In this modern developing age, people are demanded to facilitate the development of their knowledge in any sectors in order to be able to answer any supplicated problems related to the progress of any modern development, especially in Indonesia.
In Indonesia as developing country puts the education problem as essential and dominant points, for examples by building ns schools, adding facilities, such as new scientific books served in libraries, laboratory equipments, etc.
In line with the development of education, our government also tries hard to improve their skills by having in – service training held by the government. Here, teachers are acknowledged with communicative approach.
Communicative approach in teaching learning process is encouraged not only structure but also in reading comprehension.
To get a good achievement for English subject, students need perseverance and patience in learning it since most students regard this subject difficult, especially in Reading Comprehension with communicative approach. In this case students are demanded to have a hobby in reading and practicing communicative. That is why the teachers’ help is absolutely needed to increase their achievement.
Based on the above statements, the writer held a research to know how far the ability of the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya kepung – Kediri after being taught with reading comprehension by using communicative approach through songs and game. The writer therefore chooses the little dealing with the method used in the subject above is Teaching Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya Kecamatan Kepung –Kabupaten Kediri.

1.2 The Scope and limitation of the Study
Since this thesis study on the great works of the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya Kepung-Kediri, the writer analyzes will mainly based on her personal view on the theories in some books, in other words, it is also done through a library research.
The writer limits his research just teaching reading comprehension using communicative approach through songs and games to the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya Kepung-Kediri. In this thesis, the writer does not tell about theory of reading comprehension deeply but it is just a simple analysis.
To explain the scope of this problem. The problem limitation should be stated. The use of problem of limitation to avoid misunderstanding of this problem and as and important basis the further explanation of the problem. in this research it will be found whether a teacher can make his students’ achievement increase and their activity better in teaching learning process in the class. Because the students’ ability is different, so it can be argued whether all the eight year students ’ achievement of SMP Brawijaya get improved after being taught with Reading Comprehension through communicative approach or not.

1.3 The Statement of Problem
Based on the background of study and Problem limitation above the problem can be formulated as follows:
1.By using communicative approach a teacher gives Reading Comprehension subject whether the students can answer the questions from the passage communicative and objectively either in oral or written form.
2.If the method used by the teacher and students’ interest in reading and practicing communication have relation to the students’ achievement in learning Reading Comprehension.
3.By using communicative approach, whether a teacher is able to attract student’s interest to be active in learning Reading Comprehension process in the class, or not.

1.4 The Purpose of Study
In short, this examination wants to get information and explanation about how the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya, Kepung follow Reading Comprehension subject through communicative approach in class. In this thesis, therefore the writer chooses the title’ Teaching Reading Comprehension with communicative approach through sings and games to the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya, Kepung has general and special objectives.

1. General Objective
The general objective of this research is to get a complete description about the ability of the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya Kepung Kecamatan Kepung Kabupaten Kediri in achieving their achievement/success during learning Reading Comprehension.

2. Special Objective
The special objective wants to be achieved in this thesis is to try to apply what the writer has (teaching method). The writer also wants to know the ability of the eight of SMP Brawijaya Kepung in answering questions from the discourse either orally or written objective form. The writer also wants to know the students’ interest in following teaching learning process of Reading Comprehension with communicative approach through songs and games. From this activity, they writer will know which students like reading and which students do not like reading.
1.5 The Significance of the Study
Principally, the uses of language in a school, family, society are something concessions and influence, to each other.
The other use of this examination, especially for the writer himself is as a principle to apply the teaching of English in a higher rank. It is also useful for the library of IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG for its bibliography dealing with the improvement of education field.
By this study, first the writer really hopes that after reading the thesis specificly, the reader can add their knowledge about how to behave and how to overcome all problems in surviving in the school life.
Second, it is intended to help student of English Department specially to better understand fundamentals analyzes which will be useful in preparation of thesis writing. And also exercise them in discussing something in English language, so the students will be more active in the class.
Third, for English teacher, it is supposed that reading comprehension will be more considered in the teaching learning process. From this thesis, it will make the teacher knows and understands the characteristics of his students, so he can handle during teaching learning process well.
The teacher’s role in a school especially in Junior High School also confirms very much increasing English subject with communicative approach. In supporting the Teaching Learning process at school, teacher should try hard to be more active in giving a chance to the students to practice speaking English.
The forth, For the National Education Department. It is supported that teaching reading comprehension will be more considered in the teaching learning process. From this thesis, it will make the students increase their knowledge about English culture of English language itself.
The last, the writer also expects to encourage readers to be eager to read as many books as possible on many kinds of reading to acquire knowledge or moral values, understand the other culture, and also by reading many kinds of books can make us understand what kinds of reading can be classified into the good method and what the criteria of qualified teaching reading comprehension are.


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In avoiding the readers' misunderstanding, the writer would like to give the limitation of the title It is of course that in giving the limitation of the title is not at wholly. From the thesis entitled " The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang ", the writer just wants to explain some terms related to the title. Especially those are becoming key words. They are : Influence, Ability, Mastering Dialogue, Achievement, Learning Eng lish, and MAN Magelang.
Influence : It is a noncountable noun. It means power to affect sb’s character, beliefs, or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc.1 According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk in his dictionary entitled 'Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English' N.Edn., the word Influence means the power to have an effect on someone or something without the-use of direct force or command2. In this thesis the influence shows the relation between the ability in mastering dialogue and the achievement in learning English.

The Ability in Mastering Dialogue :
Ability (noun) means power to perform ; skill ,to achieve; capability for carrying out; capacity to device retain, or make use of; phisical or moral strength; talents or gifts; in a special or general degree; wealth, means3 And also according to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk, the word 'ability' (C/U noun ) means the fact of having the skill, power or other qualities that are needed to do something4. Mastering is a gerund form of master or to master ( to inf. ) Master ( v ) means to learn thoroughly or gain a lot of skill in5. Dialogue ( noun ) means ( a ) written conversation inna book or play6. According to A S Hornby, dialogue means ( writing in the form of a ) conversation or talk.7
In this thesis ‘the ability in mastering dialogue means, in the writer's opinian, the students' ability in mastering the English dialogues either in their text-books or in other books or even on their tests in the written form. The word students, as we have already mentioned above, refers to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ( MAN ) Magelang.
Achievement : The word 'achievement' is a noun (C/U) Achievement ( U ) means the successful finishing or gaining of something. Whereas the word achievement as non countable noun means something success fully finished or gained, especially through skill or hard work.8
Learning English : in the writer's opinion, how is the students' score condition in learn­ing English, especially on the final test of the fourth semester. It is a compound word coming from 'Learning' and 'English'. Learning is the gerund form of to learn (to inf.) having meaning to acquire knowledge of; fixed in the mind (vt), to gain or receive knowledge or skill (Vi.).9
As a matter of fact, the word English has so many meanings. In this thesis, English means : 1) The language of Britain, the U S, Australia, etc. , 2) English language and literature as a subject of study.10 In the writer's opinion the word English means the language of Britain, the US, Australia which is learnt by Indonesian learners as a subject of study. Learn ing English means the process in learn, ing English of the second year students at M A N Magelang.
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Magelang :
There are two Islamic Senior High Schools lay in Kotamadia Magelang. , They are MAN whic is located on Jl. Perum Korpri Ngembik Kotamadia Magelang first, and MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang 17, P 0 BOX 42 Phone 2928 Kodia Magelang. In getting the data of this thesis, the writer had researched MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang the 17th Kodia Magelang, or it is usually called M A N ex :P G A N Magelang.

After giving explanation of each term, the meaning of the title ' The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang is an investigation to show the relationship between the ability in mastering dialogue, in the written form, and the result of the final score of English subject. In this case the writer investigated to the second year students of A.1, A.3, and A.4 Programs.

Before discussing the problems involved in this thesis, the writer would like to give points becoming the background of the problems. It is done in order to make the readers will be easier in understanding this thesis.
English is one of the International languages, and spoken by many people in the world. English is also the most famoust and important language in the world, since there are many scientific books printed in English, and English is also used in formal or non formal communication in the world.
In many branches of knowledge, the English books are their main sources, such as Mathematics, Biology, Sociology, Law, Chemists, Medical, Engineering, and many others. Lately, English is also spoken in formal or in non formal meetings in the world, and in Indone­sia as well. There are many teaching learning processes are conducted in English, especially in the English department of Universities, English course institutions, discussions, seminars, and so on.
In Indonesian schools condition, English is taught from junior high school level until university level. There also occur many English courses in every town. In this case, later ones, serve English courses for children or they are usually called English for Children Class. On the other word, there are many companies or factories or even state departments that need one who master English well. They do not demand ones mastering English passively only, that is ones who master English in receiptive skill, but also ones mastering English actively, that is ones who can use English as their means of communication or ones who can speak and write in English. It means that the English is the first and main entrance requirement in applying for the worker.
Based on the brief description of the English posi­tion, we know that English is one of important languages in the world. It is one of demanding subjects in every high school in Indonesia. Thus, English, for the English department students, is not a new subject, since English has been given when they were studying English in their junior high schools level. Viewed from the time they had used, they should master English well.
We have already known that there are four aspects influencing the ability in mastering a language, English as well. They are : reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer would like to discuss about two aspects of language they are; speaking and listening, or it's usually named 'dialogue’ Because, of the reasons of the curriculum, the writer could not do the investigation of students ability in mastering dialogue as it be. It means that in investigating the students ability in mastering dialogue was not orally, but he investigated the dialogue in the written form.. It was also because the very limited time being available to do the research.
Furthermore, agree with the “ Kurikulum 1984 Madra­sah Aliyah “
Agree with the Kurikulum Madrasah Aliyah 1984, in its introduction is said that “Berbahasa adalah menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi”11. It means that after learning English, the students are hoped to be able to use the language as their means of communication.
Furthermore, based on the objective or purpose and the function of the teaching of English is said :
Kurikulum bahasa Inggris ini bertujuan untuk mengembalikan pengajaran bahasa kepada ketermaknaan dan fungsi komunikasi tersebut. Ini diupayakan dengan penjabaran kurikulum yang secara jelas bertujuan kemampuan berkomunikasi. Kurikulum ini menuntut bahwa dalam penyajian bahan pengajaran, bentuk-bentuk bahasa. selalu dikaitkan dengan makna bentuk ba­hasa itu dan dengan pesan yang dimaksud untuk disampaikan. Proses penyampaian pesan ini diterangkan dalam kaitannya dengan tugas dan fungsi komunikasi sesuai dengan konteks dan situasi berbahasa.12

After searching the purpose and the function of teaching of English based on Kurikulum 1984 Madrasah Aliyah, we can find that the language as a means of communication has an important role. It means that the teaching of dialogues to the second year students is to support the achievement of the curriculum.
The dialogue, as we have already mentioned above, means a conversation or a talk in the written form . It means that in this thesis, the writer did not investigate how is the students ability in mastering English dialogue orally. It was because of many reasons. Therefore in this thesis, wants to know how is the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Magelang.

Related to this study discussing about the Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang, the writer would like to present the formulations of the problem first, namely :
4.How is the ability in mastering the English dialogues of the second year students at MAN Magelang.
5.What methods have been used in order to increase the students ability in mastering the English dialogues.
6.How is the students achievement in learning English.
7.How much is the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on their achievements in learning English.

If the students have good ability in mastering English dialogue, their achievements in learning English will be better.

Language is not a practical science only, but also theoretical science. Studying a language means to study how the language works, either in theoretically or in practically. Language will be useful for persons learning he language, if the persons can use the language as it be. They should be able to master the language both in receptive skill reading and listening and produc­tive skill speaking and writing.
Now days, all of people know that so many companies or factories or even state departments' demand persons who master English well to be their workers. Persons should be able to communicate their ideas in English, if they want a good job with good salary.
While the demands of the world are felt too heavy for everyone, includes the students, the graduated of the schools have not been ready for used yet. They should come to a course or training school to make perfect their knowledge of English if they want to get the job as they have immaginized. It means that they will need much more time as well as fee to improve their knowledge in English.
On the other word, in getting a test or final exam­ination, they often or even always meet dialogues in the written form. They often get difficulties in answering the question lists. In the writer's opinion, they get difficulties because they haven't been usual to use the language as their means of communication, although in written forms. In Indonesian schools, especially those are based on the Curriculum of 1980, the teaching-learning a language processes are still emphasized on the structure, structural-oriented, whereas the communicative aspects on the weak side. It is mentioned in the “Kurikulum Madrasah Aliyah, Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran:" Dalam Kurikulum 1980 struktur menjadi pusat perhatian dan inti kurikulum. Semua penyajian pelajaran berkisar sekitar struktur itu ". 13
On the other hand, learning a language is not only learning its structure, but also learning all of the language aspects or learning what the language really is. Language is a means of communication, by means that by using the language we are able to communicate our ideas to other people, or to make interact to other ones.
Agree with Mary Finacchiaro, Ph.D., in her book entitled : 'English as a Second Language: From Theory to Practice, giving us some definitions of the language, one of them says :
"Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permits all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact14. Furthermore, she also explains the definition above. She says :
The word communicate and interact as used in the definition signify to understand and to speak; to be able to hear and to respond or react (by carrying out directions, for example ) to spoken word. They imply, too, the ability to talk about something that happen in the past, that is happening in : the present time, or that may happen in some time in the future.15
From the explanation above, we are clearly able to understand that learning a language is how to learn the language to be useful for our daily life.
In studying English, the ability in mastering dialogues is a very important aspect that muse be mastered by every English learner, if they want to be good in English. The attitudes of the teacher or the techniques of teaching are very important aspects to achieve the success in learning English, and the students dilligence as well, especially for the ability in mastering dialogues.
According to the writer, MAN Magelang is representative enough for the level of Senior High School to be investigated.
As a student of Tarbiyah Faculty, English section Of Tadris Department, after graduating, the writer will be an English teacher, so that he needs knowledge and experience in teaching English as a means of communica­tion, especially in teaching dialogues. As far as he knows, there have not been scripts of English for Tadris students, discussing the influence of the abil­ity in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learn­ing English.

Generally each person has purposes of doing something and the writer as well. In writing this thesis, the writer wants to gain some purposes, they are :
1.The writer wants to know whether or not the ability in mastering English dialogue will influence the achievement in learning English.
2.Wants to search, the students who master four language skills, especially mastering dialogue, will gel good marks / scores in their tests. So that the writer wants to prove quantitatively.
3.Wants to know what methods have been used to increase the ability in mastering the English dialogue of the second year students at M A N Magelang.
4.Wants to fulfill the requirement of getting a scholarship degree.
In order that the materials of the teaching-learning process can be received, or understood by students quali­tatively or quantitatively, as the candidate of the English teacher, he must, the writer, look for the best method for the teaching learning processes. In this case the writer is going to give the definition of "quality" and "quantity". Quality means 'The level of exelence some­thing.16 In this script, qualitatively means the ma­terials that are taught by the teachers can be understood by the students well. While the quantity means “Anything which can be multiplied”, In this script, quantity means the materials that are taught by the teachers are inside of the principles of the instruction programmes ( GBPP ). If the method is good, the target will be easier to get. Furthermore the writer would like to correlate the ability in mastering the dialogues and the achievement in learning English. If the correlation of both is string, we can used the dialogue method to achieve the target in learning English. It means that the proportion of tie ability in mastering dialogues should be increased with connecting the other components such as structure, vocabulary, reading and so on. It is of course, this method does not break the guidance of teaching program written in GBPP.
This thesis is expected to give worthwhile experiences in teaching English to the writer; and the result of this research is expected to be useful for English teachers to develop their teaching abilities.

To ease the research, the researcher used some me­thods. The methods used in this research are :
1. The method of choosing the object.
The object of this research which was investigated is the ability in mastering the English dialogues. The data sources are the students learning English at the second year especially for the programmes A.1, A.3 and A.4, the English teachers, the officials, and the real condition of MAN Magelang.
Based on the number of the students population, the researcher did not took some students sample but took all of the number of the students. In this case the researcher used the population "method. According to Suharsimi Arikunto, population means :
keseluruhan subyek penelitian. Apabila seseorang ingin meneliti semua elemen yang ada didalam wilayah penelitian, maka penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi. Study atau peneliti­annya juga disebut studi populasi atau Studi sensus17
Furthermore, as for the number of the data, she says:
Untuk sekedar ancer-ancer maka apabila subyeknya kurang dari seratus, lebih baik diambil semua se­hingga penelitiannya merupakan penelitian popula­si. Selanjutnya jika jumlah subyeknya besar dapat diambil 10 - 15% atau 20 - 25 % atau lebih.18
In this investigation the number of the students ; are 73 persons so that all of them are involved in this research.
2. Methods of collecting data.
To make the study easy to perform, the writer in composing the script utilized some methods. According to Funk and Wagnalls, method is “A general or established way or order of doing anything “19
The methods used to collect the data are :
a. The observation method.
Observation is “the act or practice of noting or recording facts or events, as for scientific study”20 According to Sutrisno Hadi, the observation method is “sebagai pengamatan dan pencatatan dengan sistematic fenomena-fenomena yang diselidiki.21 This method was used to investigate everything in relation to the activities of students learning English at MAN Magelang, especially for the ability in mastering dialogue, and to get the data of the objective condition of MAN Magelang.
b. The Interview method.
In Webster's Dictionary, interview means “a meet­ing of people face to face to conver about something22. In this case Sutrisno Hadi said that , interview is " sebagai metode pengumpulan data dengan jalan tanya jawab sepihak yang dikerjakan de­ngan sistematik dan berlandaskan kepada tujuan penyelidikan"23 The writer regards that the observation method is not enough to get the data, because it cannot provide with abstract thing. The writer, then, hold interview with the persons needed in this research, by interview, the writer hopes to check up the cor­rectness of data got from observation.
c. The test method
Test means examination or trial ( of sth ) to find its quality, value composition etc., trial or examination (of sb, hispower, knowledge, skill etc.)24 The writer used this method to the second year stu­dents at MAN Magelang in the question form to test their ability in mastering English dialogues to get the data of the research.
d. The Anquete method.
This method was used to obtain the data of the students' personality in the table form of questions given to the students or respondents. This method is also expected to be able to collect the data of the students' attitudes toward learning English dialogues.
e. The documentation method.
It means a way of obtaining or collecting data by seeing the document which is related to the main problem. This method was used to get the data of English , curiculum, organization structure of MAN Magelang, and everything related to the title.

3. The methods in analyzing the data.
After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data by using the methods as follows :
a. The methods of analyzing the qualitative data are :
1) The deductive method.
The deductive method is “A method of scientific reasoning by which from general principle con­crete applications or consequences are needed.”25
2) The inductive method.
It is “a method or act or process of reasoning from a part to a whole, from particular to general, from individual to a whole or universal.”26
b. The method used to analyzed the quantitative data is the statistical method.
The formula to find the average score of the achievement of English learning is : M =X/N
Note : M = Mean ( Average )
X = The scores of all items
N = Number of cases.27
The formula to get the percentage is :
P = x 100%

Note : P = Percentage
f = Frequency
N = Number of Population
While the way to know the influence of the ability in mastering the English dialogue, the researcher used the technique of correlation. The formula to get the correlation is :
 x’ y’ – ( Cx’) (Cy’)
rxy =
( SDx’ ) ( SDy’)

Note :
rxy = The number of index correlation between variable X and.
variable Y
 x’y’ = The number of the result of the cross multiply ( product of
the moment ) between : the frequency of cell( f ) by x' and y'.
Cx’ = The Value of Correction on the variable X, which is able
to be got by the for­mula :

Cx’ =  fx
Cy’ = The Value of Correction on the variable Y, which is able
to be got by the for­mula :

Cy’ =  fy
SDx’ = Standard Deviation of scores X, by means every score to
be as 1 unit ( in which i = 1 ).
SDy’ = Standard Deviation of scores Y, by means every score to
be as 1 unit ( in which i = 1 ).
N = Number of Cases.28

It is realized that dialogue or conversation is an important role in human life. Everyone will converse his ideas to others everyday. By conversation means that they make communication to other people.
Language skill in the curriculum of school consists of four skills, they are : learning, speaking, reading , and writing skills. Every skill Influences each other, and cannot stand alone.
Since this thesis discusses about the ability in mastering dialogues, it is important for the writer to explain what the dialogue or conversation is. In fact, by doing conversation means making, oral communication. As Donn Byrne says that oral communication is two way process between the speaker and listener ( listeners ) , involving the productive skill of speaking and the receiptive skill of understanding ( or listening with understanding ).29 Furthermore he says both speaker and listener have a positive function to perform : the speak­er has to encode the message to be conveyed in appropriate language, while the listener ( no less actively ) has to decode ( or interpret ) the message.30
On the other words, Dr. Sri Utari Subyakto N. interpretes the ability of dialogue ( or conversation ) as the communicative ability of communicative competence.31 “The communicative competence means the knowledge of language forms, the meaning of the forms and the ability to use them in appropriate time and to whom the forms are naturally.32 Furthermore he says that the purpose of communicative competence is to conveyed the message to other people, that is the ability to communicate everything in the language, firstly. Secondly, the purpose of communicative competence is to conveyed the message in the way that the message can be received socially. The first purpose can be gained by the activities which are able to be called communicative performance, whereas the second purpose can be gained with exercises to develop the communicative competence.
From the explanations above it is clear that in the communication process needs some components, namely the speaker, message, and listener. The diagram below shows how the four language skills are related.
Listener Message Speaker

Spoken Language
Receiptive (Understanding | Speaking ) Productive
skill skill
( Reading | Writing )

Written Language

Reader Reading Writer
From the diagram above, we can see how the four language skills are related. In spoken language, the speaker must be able to convey the message to the listener as clearly as possible, while the listener must be able to interpret the message with good understanding. This purpose can be gained if the speaker has the ability to speak fluency, as well the listener has good ability of listening or understanding the language. Hence, between speaker and listener must have god understanding of the language to attain a good communication process.
In written language, the writer must have a good knowledge of writing with all of its aspects whereas the reader must have a good knowledge of understanding the reading As a matter of fact, in teaching a language, if they, the teachers, want their students have good mastery of a language, in spoken one, their ability to understand needs to be considerably more extensive than their ability to speak. It means that they, before drilling them self to speak, must drill them self to listen or to understand the dialogues. On the other wise, the learn­ing models of dialogues( conversation ) which have been skillfully contrived to accelerate oral production, do not always contain a sufficiently a large number of those features of natural speech, that is the great deal of information which is redundant. In this case, for example, utterance to be more structured and complete, and the level of redundancy will be generally low.
In addition, in order to be able to cope with real life language situations, they need regular and frequent training through a programme of listening comprehension with suitable varied models of natural speech from the earliest stages, for instance, in a language course. Shortly, they have actually to learn to listen, just as they have to learn to speak. It just the same way if they want to learn e. language, in written one, they need to be able to read more easily than they can write.
Furthermore, there is an interdependence of oral skills in communication. For the oral communication is a two-way process between the listener and speaker Thus, between the speaker and listener cannot be separated each other. In this case the speaker does not always ini­tiate : he also responds to what ho has heard ( as for example when he answers questions or makes a comment ), while the listener does not always remain silent : he is normally expected to make some sort of responses ( which may not always be verbal, as for example, when he carries out an instruction ).
Talking about the goal of teaching oral production, ( speaking in conversation or dialogue ) Donn Byrne says that the main goal in teaching the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency : the ability to express oneself intelligibly, reasonably, accurately, and with­out undue hesitation ( otherwise, communication may break down because the listener loses interest or gets impatients ).33 By the explanation above, means that in learning dialogue the students must be drilled to express their own ideas freely and precisely. The role of the teachers are as the conductor. They must make stimuli for the students to express their own ideas about the topics they have been being discussed. And when the students get difficulties they must guide them, as well make correction when students do mistakes. To attain a good result of teaching-learning dialogue process the teacher have to make corrections immediately when the students do mistakes.
The other factor that can influence the students in learning a foreign language is motivation. As teacher, we, sometime find students who do not pay attention to the lessons beeing tought them, they get tired of learning the language ( foreign language ) because they fell that they get nothing of learning the language, they can not speak in the language they have been learn. According to Donn Byrne, the ability to speak ( oral production ) is a good motivation for the students. In this case he, further more, says that the development of oral production is a good source of motivation for most learners, who are normally much concerned to be able to speak and to understand a foreign language.34 To point how the importance of motivation in learning a foreign language, he give us more explanation : satisfaction at being able to say a small number of sentences after a few lessons must be sustained by demonstrating to the students that they can say progressively more and more through the language as the course continues.35
To support the good achievement in learning a foreign language, especially conversation, the teachers have also to think about the students' intelligibility of the language that they have been being learnt. Intelligibility is usually defined in phonological terms ( e.g. being able to make the difference between essentials sounds such as /i/ and /i/ as they occur in the two words leave and live ). It is not only importance for the level of basic understanding or elementary but also for the purpose of oral fluency. Clearly, in order to make the students to be able to speak or communicate effectively, the teachers must teach the students an adequate mastery of grammar and vocabulary as well as phonology. It is better to remember that over-learning in any of these areas will serve no purpose if it exces­sively slows down progress in the others. It demands the teachers to be able to devide the available time in teaching them to the students, which one is must presented first, etc. It will be necessary to concentrate on the essential features such as the differences between key sounds, weak forms, basic stress and intonation patterns, and more importance will need to be attached to receiption of these features than production, as the consequence the amount of the time available for system­atic speech training is bound to be limited.36
After seeing the existence of the dialogue and all of its aspects in learning the dialogue, the main duty of the teachers is to choose the best method that mist be done to get the effective teaching-learning process Talking about methods, in teaching dialogues or conversation, they had been discussed for along time. There are many methods, namely :
6.Direct method
7.Audio lingual method
8.Silent Way method
9.Community Language Learning ( CLL ) method
10.Total Physical Respond ( TPR ) method.37
In the direct method, the material is presented in the foreign language ( bahasa tujuan ) The students are forced to speak and think in the foreign language. The experts of this method had assumption that learning a foreign langu­age just the same as learning the native language. The Audio lingual method teaches students to speak using the drill technique ( with all of its varities ) and mim-mem. In this method the mistaken of speaking is avoided because it does not support the development of speaking. In the Silent Way method the students are forced to keep silent and to listen carefully because they must re­peat the teacher's samples after being given once though. Teaching conversation using Community Language Learning method means the students are given the time to express their own ideas to the teacher. The function of the teach­ers are as the facilitator, the counselor, the Bain source, and also as the translator. In this method the mistakes are regarded as the development of the students' langu­age. The newest method in teaching conversation or teaching a foreign language is the Total Physical Respond ( TPR ) method. In this method, the students must postpone their ability to speak, they must develop their ability to listen first. This method, in Indonesian schools, is used for teaching the students of the Junior High school level.
As we have already known, some methods in teaching dialogue to the students, there have not been a methods which most effective to teach students conversation. Dr. Sri Utari Subyakto N. said that :
Jadi, hingga saat inikita belum pasti mengenai metode mana yang paling efektif dalam mengajar berbicara BT ( bahasa tujuan ) kepada pelajar. Kita semua mengenal gejala "pelajar yang mengetahui dan hafal pola-pola kalimat bahasa tujuan, tetapi yang belum mampu berkomunikasi secara wajar". Gejala ini disinyalir oleh para guru bahasa sebagai gejala yang kurang memuaskan dan yang menyebabkan perkembangan-perkembangan yang mutakhir dalam pengajaran bahasa. Ada dua hal lagi atau kekurangan yang belum terpenuhi, yakni (a) makna dari bentuk / struktur bahasa yang dipakai, dan (b) kemampuan untuk mengetahui apa yang harus dikatakan pada waktu atau saat yang tepat.38

From the statement above it is clear that the condition of teaching foreign language in Indonesian schools have not been on the target of teaching.
Now, the writer wants to present two kinds of ties in teaching conversation using Communicative approach. Two communicative activities are :
(1) Pra-communicative activities, and
(2) Communicative activities.
(1) Pra-communicative Activities.
Pra-communicative is the communication which hasn't been able to be called true communicative communication, because there hasn't an element that is needed in order that the communication is able to be called an appropri­ate and natural communication, that is there is not an information gap.
The activities are the presentations in :
(a) Technique of Dialogue.
That is to memorize sentences in the dialogue form, and to dramatize sentences fluently before drilling with structural-drill and vocabulary. The use of this method is to improve the fluency of pronouncing words or sentences, and to avoid the afraidness in pronouncing.
(b) Dialogue with picture ( for the SLTP levels ).
The teacher brings pictures shown to the students by asking the name of the pictures one by one.
e.g. : Teacher : “ What is this ? “
Students : “That's a book “. Etc
(c) Guided dialogue.
The teacher drills students in the question and an­swer forms in the purpose language ( FL ).
e.g. : Teacher : "Are you going to………this morning?"
Ss : " Yes, I am ". or " No, I am not "
(d) Dramatitation of an activity.
For example the teacher is running, smilling, etc., then asks the students : “What am I doing ?” students answer : " You're running " etc.
(e) Picture in profession.
For example : A doctor in his uniform ( white etc )
A teacher in front of black board, etc.
Then the teacher asks : “What is he / she ?”
Students answer : " He / she is a doctor " etc.
(f) Dialogue with picture.
For example, the picture in point (e). The teacher shows the picture detailly, then asks the students.
e.g. : Teacher : " What is the doctor wearing ? ".
Ss. : " A white coat "," A pair of glasses".
(g) Question-answer technique.
The teacher chooses the basic material of the lessons includes structure and vocabulary. For example the teacher has taught the ‘Past tense’ form of English and vocabulary, the make a dialogue :
Teacher : " What did you do this morning at 07.00 ? "
Students : " I went by bus to school "
(h) Completing sentences, paragraph or short story. The teacher presents uncomplete sentences, then the students are asked to complete them.
e.g. : My sister likes going to the movies, but my brother…………………….. ( does not like it, or likes playing soccer )
During this activities is done, the teacher has to master the condition in conducting it.
The main goals which will be gainned of this stage are :
(a)Students are involved in every drill orally, and
(b)Students begin to have braveness to open their mouth to speak though they haven't express their own ideas,
(2) Communicative Activities.
On this stage, the teacher begins to enless his role in speaking in front of the class, while students begin to play role in class to speak. The activities of this stage are : (a) Community Language Learning ( CLL ) method.
The teacher divides the students into groups, each , group has a leader. Students exchange to speak something and then continue in the group, so that the communication will become a complete story. The conversation is recorded on a tape recorder, and replays then. After all, the teacher discusse about the conversation with the students. In this case the teacher's role is to controle the activities :
giving answers, suggestions, or even translations when the students get difficulties.
(b) Giving assignment to the students.
The teacher can give students a role to be played. For example; If the student becomes a teacher, and the other student as his student. Then, they are asked to play those roles, teacher and student.
This role play can be varied fit to the level of the students.
(c) Social formulas and dialogues.
What is meant by the Social formulas is the presentation of social formulas which are needed in communi­cation ( social communication ), for example ; greet­ing, leaving, introducing someone, Excusing, expressing emotion of angrying, sad, disappointed, happy, satisfy, and so on.
(d) Community-oriented assignment.
The students are asked to make communication with the native speakers. This activity is could be conducted in places where many native speakers stay in. For example: in a state embassy ( foreign embassy ), state
offices, and so on. If those places are impossible to
get, the teacher can ask students to become tourist
guide, translators, etc.
(e) Problem solving activities.
The students are asked to solve problems that are made by the teacher. To support this activities, the teacher can play a role in it. For instance, the teacher make a topics of "Climbing a mountain". The teacher divides the students into groups, each group should discusses about the mountain climbing, what are needed to overcome this problem, what should be prepared to climb a mount. The teacher can also give suggestion, answer, and so on, when they need.39

To complete the explanation above, it is better for the writer to makes conclusions related to the activities in teaching students conversation ( speaking ). Accord­ing to Finacchiaro and Brumfit says that the activities that can be conducted in teaching students speaking, as follows :
(1)Making question-answer or dialogue in classroom.
(2)Giving guides are used in classroom.
(3)Using "Gouin series". Asking students to play role in complete sentences of the realistics context.
(4)Asking students to prepare the original sentences based on communicative terms, structures, or notions which have been discussed.
(5)Answering questions based on the experiences in class
room or in the community.
(6)Composing appropriate questions to the teacher or
the other students based on a reading text they have
read together.
(7)Identifying names of objects on the flanegraph
(8)Retelling a story they have read, their experiences
in their own sentences. In addition, the teacher can
give some key words ( essential words ).
(9)Composing a report of a topic that has been prepared
and answer the questions of the topic.
(10)Setting conversation. For instance, talking about a bank, a library, etc.
(11)Playing language games.
(12)Making conversation of discussion, panel forms, etc. In this case the students are demanded to be able to express their own ideas, for instance, agreement, disagreement, doubt, and so on, being relevant to the topic is being discussed.
(13)Making phone communication.
(14)Playing role in a modern drama.40

By the explanation above, it is clear that the ability in mastering the dialogue has a great role in learn­ing the language. It shows also how the importance of the ability in mastering dialogue of a language, if they want to make use a language they have learnt for their life.
For there are many methods in teaching dialogues of a language, while the experts haven't found yet the best method in teaching productive skill of speaking or conversation. So that the teachers must be able to choose , the best, method ( one of them ) fit to the condition of the students, classes, and levels.
It is undoubtedly, that by mastering productive skill the students will of course get advantages to develop their ability to use English as a means of communication When students learning English only memorize vocabularies and the structural rules without practising to use English, they will never master English as a means of communication. In this case, the teacher should allow the stu­dents to do what they want to learn. And also the choice of methods and techniques will determine the achievement of learning of English as a means of communication.

The meaning of system of writing is the frame of the thesis or the contents of it in a short explana­tion.
In writing this thesis, the writer divides it into introduction, contents, and ending which consist of file chapters completed with bibliography, the list of the errata, curriculum vitae and appendixes. Below the writer will explain the frame work of the thesis.
Chapter I : Introduction.
This chapter explains about the first step in writing this thesis. The contents of introduction are the limitation of the title, the problematical background, the formulation of the problem, the hypo­thesis, the reason of choosing the title, the purposes and uses of writing, the research method, theoriticali basis, and the system of writing.
Chapter II : The general Description of MAN Magelang. In this chapter, the writer will
explain the general description of MAN Magelang which consists of the location and geographical condition of MAN Ma­gelang, the brief history and its establishment of the school, the structure of the school organizat­ion, the condition of teachers, students and employees at MAN Magelang, the facilities of MAN Magelang and the teaching of English at MAN Magelang in ge­neral
Chapter III : The Teaching of Dialogue at MAN Magelang.
This chapter explains the goal of the curriculum of English, especially conversation, the materials of teaching-learning conversation, the methods used in teaching dialogue at MAN Magelang.
Chapter IV : The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in
Learning English at MAN Magelang. The writer will explain, in this chapter, the influence of the ability in mastering English dialogue on achievement in learning English to the second year students at MAN Magelang. To prove it the writer will use the technique of correlation. The writer will also give the data of the dialogue test and the data of the achievement in learning English and the correlation between them.
Chapter V : Conclusion and Suggestion.
The last chapter explains the ending of this thesis It contains the conclusion of the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English the suggestions and the closing words.
After the last chapter, the writer completes this thesis with bibliography, the list of errata, the curriculum vitae and the appendixes.


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relationship between games activities and improving the speaking ability to the second year of the students SMPN

1.1 Background of the Problem
It is known that English is an International language which has been received by countries all over the world. The function of it as a means of communication in meeting business or other activities among government over the world. Beside that English is used at science of knowledge, new invention in field of modern technology, pharmaceutical, medical, etc.
As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English because Indonesia government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all countries. One of these aspects is education, which is essential. As an English teacher to be the writer focuses her attention to the teaching English as the language of the world.
In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught to junior high school, Senior high school even at university. English means that something important for the student to be taught at school based on situation and condition of the object area. But there are some problems that faced by the students. It is realized that most students get bad mark. So, it proves that English is really difficult for the students. There are four skills in learning English they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is very important because speaking and human being cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express their ideas and to communicate to people in civilized world. That is way speaking is important. But the students of SMP or graduated of it still get hard to be a good speaker. The problems are:
First, the students feel ashamed and afraid to speak English, so they never practice and use target language and they always use mother tongue in the classroom.
Second, for the teacher, they did not use variety of teaching such as visual aids. The teacher has to motivate the students to learn English in the class, and create the method of teaching. So the students will feel relaxed, and freely in using English in the classroom. The teacher must make afford to understand the material well. In learning English, The students are expected to reach four skills. Among those, speaking is the most difficult to master.
Teaching speaking can be done through dialogues, picture, games, etc. The teacher should choose a suitable ways such as: using games. If the teacher uses it, the students will have a lot of opportunity to practice pronunciation and communication or in other words it means that the students will get knowledge or input from games. Games which introduced to the students are Domino Instruction, What do I need? Sweet Reason, Dream sequences.

1.2. Problem of the Study
After analyzing what the writer discussed in the problems above, the following step is to make of the study problems. The writer tries to formulate what she wants, in order to achieve the target. Based on the problem above can be formulated as follow:
6.Is there any relationship between games activities and improving the speaking ability to the second year of the students SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri?
7.How is reaction of students after given the material using games?
8.What kind of games activities should be used?

1.3. Purpose of the Research
Each research must have purpose, it depends on the topic, which carries out, consist of:
1.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games are suitable to improve the speaking ability at the second year of the students at SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri.
2.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games can give students encourage to learn speaking.

1.4. Significance of the Study
The research is used for:
1.The writer: to fulfill the participle program of the studying at IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG, one of requirement of which is to write a thesis in order to get Strata one Degree in English studies.
2.The students: this research can be used to increase the student English achievement.
3.The teacher: this research can be used as an item to enrich the inventory of English library.

1.5. Limitation of the Study
To avoid misunderstanding to estimate what the writer has explained, the writer will give object; ones will arrange the thesis organize each problem more easily. The focuses are more intensively on the problems that have been in this research. The writer will discuss:
1. Among the four skills, the writer teaches speaking only.
2. The writer uses games in teaching speaking.
3. Games which introduction are Domino Instruction, what do I need? , Sweet Reason and dream sequences.

1.6. Definition of Key Term
The writer includes some definition of key term to support the readers understanding this thesis easily. They are as follow:
(c)Teaching is the action to organize something which has contact with learning, so created the situation than can motivate the students to study effectively.
(d)Speaking is to express taught a loud using the voice or talk.
(e)Game is activity in the classroom with rules a goal and element of fun.


Speaking is one of the skills in English. So, it plays an important rule in studying the subject, because as we know that English is an international language. Since most of books are written in English, so Indonesians student have opportunity to practice this language in the class. In this case, the teachers must be able to help them to master the language in the limited time. Beside that the students themselves should study hard in order to be able to understand it well. There are the definitions of some words of theme:
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skripsi bahas inggris "A Study on the Teaching of English Speaking Using Games To the ninth Year Students of SMPN 3 "


A Study on the Teaching of English Speaking Using Games To the ninth Year Students of SMPN 3 PARE-KEDIRI. Thesis. Institute of Teaching Training and Education BUDI UTOMO MALANG.

Key words: A teaching speaking, reading comprehension, the ninth year students of SMPN 3 PARE-KEDIRI

As developing country, Indonesia really needs English and government is trying to improve all aspect which usually faced by all countries. One of those aspects is education, which is essential. The writer as an English teacher to be, has to focus attention to the teaching English as international language.
There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those speaking is difficult to master.
Teaching Speaking can be done through games. Kind of games which introduced are Domino Instruction, Sweet reason, What do I need?, and Dream sequences.
The use of Domino Instruction are the first player begins by choosing a card marked (*) and laying it on the table giving an instruction, for example, first, fill the kettle. If player 2 has the picture card showing the next player does not have the next card in the sequence, the turn passes to player 3. If player 2 lays down the wrong card (stage 3 or 4, instead the stage 2). He/she may be challenged by the player with the real stage2. Player 2 must then back his/her card and the turn passes to the player with the real stage 2.
The use of Sweet Reason are Player 1 chooses C card from the cards he/she holds and reads it out, for example I lit the fire … Any other players can complete the sentence with suitable R card for example… because it was cold.
The use of what do I need? Are place the card faced down in a pale on the table. Send one person out of the room. Take the top card off the pile and look at it. Ask the students to return. He/she must guess what activity is pictured on the card by asking what things are useful or necessary for that activity. The other player must answer his/her question.
The use of dream sequences are the first player chooses any card and lays it down on the table, describing the first event in the dream, for example, I found my self in a garden with huge flowers.
The result of the study of teaching speaking using games were the students got chance to use oral language, by doing the games the students feel relaxed, free and confident in learning English in the classroom. The arising problems during the activities are situation in the classroom was very noisy and crowded. The students’ pronunciation and structure was poor. But the writer could overcome well.


1.1 Background of the Problem
It is known that English is an International language which has been received by countries all over the world. The function of it is as a means of communication in meeting business or other activities among government over the world. Beside that English is used at science of knowledge, new invention in field of modern technology, pharmaceutical, medical, etc.
As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English because Indonesia government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all countries. One of these aspects is education, which is essential. As an English teacher to be the writer focuses her attention to the teaching English as the language of the world.
In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught to junior high school, Senior high school even at university. English means that something important for the student to be taught at school based on situation and condition of the object area. But there are some problems that faced by the students. It is realized that most students get bad mark. So, it proves that English is really difficult for the students. There are four skills in learning English they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is very important because speaking and human being cannot be separated from each other. Speaking is used to express their ideas and to communicate to people in civilized world. That is way speaking is important. But the students of SMP or graduated of it still get hard to be a good speaker. The problems are:
First, the students feel ashamed and afraid to speak English, so they never practice and use target language and they always use mother tongue in the classroom.
Second, for the teacher, they did not use variety of teaching such as visual aids. The teacher has to motivate the students to learn English in the class, and create the method of teaching. So the students will feel relaxed, and freely in using English in the classroom. The teacher must make afford to understand the material well. In learning English, The students are expected to reach four skills. Among those, speaking is the most difficult to master.
Teaching speaking can be done through dialogues, picture, games, etc. The teacher should choose a suitable ways such as: using games. If the teacher uses it, the students will have a lot of opportunity to practice pronunciation and communication or in other words it means that the students will get knowledge or input from games. Games which introduced to the students are Domino Instruction, What do I need? Sweet Reason, Dream sequences.

1.2. Problem of the Study
After analyzing what the writer discussed in the problems above, the following step is to make of the study problems. The writer tries to formulate what she wants, in order to achieve the target. Based on the problem above can be formulated as follow:
1.Is there any relationship between games activities and improving the speaking ability to the second year of the students SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri?
2.How is reaction of students after given the material using games?
3.What kind of games activities should be used?

1.3. Purpose of the Research
Each research must have purpose, it depends on the topic, which carries out, consist of:
1.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games are suitable to improve the speaking ability at the second year of the students at SMPN 3 Pare-Kediri.
2.The writer wants to describe and analyze whether games can give students encourage to learn speaking.

1.4. Significance of the Study
The research is used for:
1.The writer: to fulfill the participle program of the studying at IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG, one of requirement of which is to write a thesis in order to get Strata one Degree in English studies.
2.The students: this research can be used to increase the student English achievement.
3.The teacher: this research can be used as an item to enrich the inventory of English library.

1.5. Limitation of the Study
To avoid misunderstanding to estimate what the writer has explained, the writer will give object; ones will arrange the thesis organize each problem more easily. The focuses are more intensively on the problems that have been in this research. The writer will discuss:
1. Among the four skills, the writer teaches speaking only.
2. The writer uses games in teaching speaking.
3. Games which introduction are Domino Instruction, what do I need? , Sweet Reason and dream sequences.

1.6. Definition of Key Term
The writer includes some definition of key term to support the readers understanding this thesis easily. They are as follow:
1.Teaching is the action to organize something which has contact with learning, so created the situation than can motivate the students to study effectively.
2.Speaking is to express taught a loud using the voice or talk.
3.Game is activity in the classroom with rules a goal and element of fun.

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