
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Procedures help/tell us to do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions e.g. step by step method to germinate seeds. The text below is an example of a procedure. The labels show the structure and language features of procedure text.
Procedures begin by outlining an aim or goal.
Sometimes there is a list of the materials and equipment needed.
The steps are then listed in order.
Writing procedures
When writing procedures you should:
• use present tense e.g. spray
• include technical terms when you need to e.g. friable
• use words that tell the reader how, when and where to perform the task e.g. fill, firmly.
Teks procedure adalah teks yang menyampaikan tentang tata cara melakukan sesuatu. Cara penulisannya pada umumnya dalam bentuk poin per poin.
Struktur dari teks procedure, yaitu:
1. Tujuan kegiatan
2. Bahan-bahan
3. Langkah-langkah

Example of procedure
How to Make Orange Tea
Ingredients: 1 orange, sweet tea, soda drink (use uncoloured soda), and ice.
Utensils: Jug, knife, spoon, and drinking glass.
1. Cut the orange into circle shapes, try to cut it thinly.
2. Put the cut orange and ice into jug.
3. Pour the soda drink into the jug.
4. Add the already prepared sweet tea.
5. Stir the ingredients in the jug well.
6. After pouring the orange tea in a glass, you can decorate the brim of the glass with left over orange pieces.
Recount adalah teks yang menyampaikan serentetan peristiwa/ kejadian /pengalaman yang terjadi pada waktu lampau. Kadangkala recount juga bermaksud untuk menghibur pembaca.
Generic structure:
Orientation - event (s) - reorientation.
Maksud dari event (s) adalah bahwa even yang terjadi bisa lebih dari satu, sedangkan Reorientation adalah optional (boleh ada boleh tidak).
Tenses yang digunakan selalu Past Tense. Kenapa? Tentu saja karena recount mencerikan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Sudah jelaskan?.
Namun tidak semua peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau adalah recount. Coba simak artike
Language features Recounts are written in the past tense.:
They can be written in the first or the third person
1st person It is happening to the person writing the recount i.e. I went to the park.
3rd person. An observer is telling it. Tom went to the park, there he saw a pond.
The connectives in a recount are often: Next, then, after that.
Recounts focus on what an individual or a group of people were doing.
The following are examples of recounts.
Example of recount
A Tour to the Botanic Gardens
On Thursday 24 April, Year Eight students went to the Botanic Gardens. We walked down and got into the bus.
After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Centre. We went to have a look around. First we went to the Orchid Farm and Mrs. Rita read us some of the information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the Botanic Gardens and had morning tea.
1. Simple Present Tense
2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Present Prefect Continuous Tense
1. Simple Past Tense
2. Past Continuous Tense
3. Past Perfect Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Simple Future Tense
2. Future Tense Continuous Tense
3. Future Perfect Tense
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Simple Past Future Tense
2. Fast Future Continuous Tense
3. Past Future Tense
4. Past Future Continuous Tense
Penggunaan :
1. Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan (habitual action) atau kegiatan yang terjadi berulang – ulang dan terus menerus.
2. Menyatakan kebenaran umum (General Truth)
Rumus :
(+) S + V1 + es/s + Object
(- ) S + do/does + not + V1 + Object
(? ) do/does + s + V1 + Object?
Contoh :
1. My sister lives in Kuningan
Kakak saya tinggal di Kuningan
1. The sun rises in the east
Matahari terbit di sebelah timur
1. The earth revolves around the sun
Bumi berputar mengelilingan matahari
1. The sky is blue
Langit itu biru
1. I usually eat lunch at the cafeteria
Saya biasanya makan siang di kantin itu
Penggunaan :
untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung (now) atau sekitar waktu pembicaraan (around the time speaking).
Rumus :
( + ) s + is/am/are + V1 + V – ing
( - ) s + is/am/are + not + V1 + v – ing
( ? ) is/am/are + s + V1 + V – ing
Contoh :
1. Ratu is eating dinner now
Ratu sedang makan malam sekarang
1. You are playing football now
Kamu sedang bermain sepak bola sekarang
1. Dedy is swimming right now
Dedy sedang berenang sekarang
1. The baby is sleeping
Bayi itu sedang tidur
1. We are eating dinner at seven o’clock now
Kami sedang makan malam pada pukul 7 sekarang
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, pristiwa kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan sekarang atau untuk menunjukan suatu pristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat (baru selesai).
Rumus :
( + ) s + have/has + V3 + Object
( – ) s + have/has + not + V3 + Object
( ? ) have/has + s + V3 + Object ?
Contoh :
1. Jim has eaten lunch
Jim telah makan siang
1. They have know each other for along time
Mereka telah saling mengenal telah lama
1. I have finished my work
Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya
1. They have swum at river
Mereka berenang di sungai
1. We have met her twice
Kami sudah bertemu dia dua kali
Penggunaan :
untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan sekarang masih berlangsung dan ada kemungkinan masih akan berlangsung
Rumus :
( + ) s + have/has + ben + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + have/has + not + been + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) have/has + s + V1 + V – ing ?
Contoh :
1. He has been staying in hospital since his accident
Dia sudah sedang tinggal di rumah sakit sejak kemaren
1. I have been sitting in class since 9 o’clock
Aku sudah sedang duduk di kelas sejak pukul 9
1. I have been living here for two years
Saya sudah sedang tinggal disini selama 2 tahun
1. Adam has been sleeping for two hours
Adam sudah sedang tidur selama 2 jam
1. Rita has been talking to Josh on the phone for twenty minutes
Rita sudah sedang berrbicara kepada Josh di telephon selama 20 menit
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada suatu titik waktu lampau
Rumus :
( + ) s + V2 + Object
( – ) s + did + not + V1 + Object
( ? ) did + s + V1 + Object?
Contoh :
1. Setiawan went to spain last year
Setiawan pergi ke Spanyol tahun lalu
1. Maria did her work last night
Maria mengerjakan PR-nya tadi malam
1. Bob stayed home yesterday morning
Bob tinggal di rumah kemaren pagi
1. Mary walked downtown yesterday
Mary berjalan ke kota kemaren
1. I ate breakfast this morning
Saya sarapan pagi tadi
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau saat kegiatan lain terjadi/menyela.
Rumus :
( + ) s + was/were + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + was/were + not + V1 + v – ing
( ? ) was/were + s + V1 + V – ing ?
Contoh :
1. I was reading book when father watched TV
Saya sedang membaca buku ketika ayah sedang menonton TV
1. Linda was practicing dancing when I called her
Linda sedang praktek menari ketika saya memanggilnya
1. The phone rang while I was sleeping
Telepon itu berbunyi ketika saya sedang tidur
1. Fini was watching television while I was coming
Fini menonton televise ketika saya datang
1. When you were waiting me I sent the letter
Ketika kau sedang menunggu aku, aku mengirim surat
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan pristiwa yang secara selesai dilakukan pada waktu lampau atau menerangkan suatu pristiwa yang lebih dahulu terjadi di antara dua yang dibicarakan.
Rumus :
( + ) has + had + v3
( – ) s + had + not + V3
( ? ) had + not
Contoh :
1. Susi had eaten when we called at to her house
Susi sudah makan ketika kami singgah dirumahnya
1. He had left for, Singapore to see his parents
Dia telah pergi ke Singapura untuk menjenguk saudaranya
1. They had gone when she called me
Mereka sudah pergi ketika dia memanggilku
1. You had slept when I come last night
Kamu sudah tidur ketika saya dating tadi malam
1. I had been at School when you went to solo
Aku sudah berada di sekolah ketika kau pergi ke solo
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang sudah di mulai pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung pada waktu lampau pula
Rumus :
( + ) s + had + been + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + had + not + been + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) had + s + been + V1 + V – ing ?
Contoh :
1. They had been singing when we studied dancing
Mereka sedang menyanyi ketika kami belajar menari
1. He had been reading the book when they arrived
Dia sedang membaca buku ketika mereka tiba
1. We had been cleaning the class when our teacher come
Kami sedang membersihkan kelas ketika guru kami datang
1. Rudi had been writing the lesson when I met him
Rudi sedang menulis pelajaran ketika saya menemuinya
1. You went to the market When she had been cooking rice
Kamu telah pergi kepasar ketika dia sedang memasak nasi
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan dating.
Rumus :
( + ) s + shall/will + V1
( – ) s + shall/will + not + V1
( ? ) shall/will + s + V1
Contoh :
1. I shall go to Surabaya tomorrow
Saya akan sedang pergi ke Surabaya
1. We shall learn English next week
Kami akan belajar baha Inggris minggu depan
1. Ani will be here next month
Ani akan kemari bulan depan
1. They will help me
Mereka akan bantu saya
1. You will give us a book
Kamu akan member sebuah buku
Penggunaan :
untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu yang akan dating.
Rumus :
( + ) s + shall/will + be + V1 + v – ing
( – ) s + shall/will + not + be + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) shall/will + s + be + V1 + V – ing
Contoh :
1. I shall studying if you come to night
Saya akan belajar jika kamu dating nanti malam
1. We shall he coming to you house tomorrow
Kami akan dating kerumahmu besok
1. She will be going to Medan tomorrow
Dia akan pergi ke Medan besok pagi
1. They will Playing football next week
Mereka akan bermain sepak bola minggu depan
1. Rudi will be arriving from Jakarta to night
Rudi akan tiba dari Jakarta besok malam
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan segera selesai pada waktu yang akan dating.
Rumus :
( + ) s + shall/will + have + V3
( – ) s + shall/will + not + have + V3
( ? ) shall/will + s + have + V3
Contoh :
1. They will have finished their work by Monday
Mereka sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka menjelang hari senin
1. We shall have met him by next month
Kami sudah menemuinya m,enjelang bulan depan
1. I shall have gone there by next week
Saya sudah pergi kesana menjelang bulan depan
1. My father will have given a new book
Ayah sudah member saya sebuah buku baru
1. Reny will have been at market
Reny sudah berada di pasar
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah ada pada waktu lampau tetapi masih ada kemungkinan untuk dillanjutkan pada waktu yang akan dating.
Rumus :
( + ) s + shall/will + have + been + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + shall/will + have + been + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) shall/will + s + have + been + V1 + V – ing
Contoh :
1. She will have been working in the office for five years by the end of the year
Dia akan sudah sedang bekerja di kantor itu selama lima tahun menjelang akhir tahun ini
1. I shall have been studying here five months by the end of the march
Aku akan sudah sedang belajar disini selama lima tahun menjelang bulan maret
13. He will have been teaching at SMA for six years
Dia akan sudah sedang mengajar di SMA selama 6 tahun
1. Tuti will have been staying in my house two weeks by the of this year
Tuti akan sudah sedang tinggal di rumahku dua minggu menjelang akhir tahun ini
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang akan dating dilakukan pada waktu lampau.
Rumus :
( + ) s + should/would + V1
( – ) s + should/would + not + V1
( ? ) should/would + s + V1
Contoh :
1. You would give us book the week before
Kamu akan member kami buku minggu sebelumnya
1. We should visit him the day before
Kami akan mengunjunginya kemaren dulu
1. They would meet for discussing the day before
Mereka akan bertemu untuk berdiskusi kemaren dulu
1. I should help him the week before
Saya akan membantu dia minggu sebelumnya
1. She would come to my house the next day
Dia akan dating kerumahku keesokan harinya.
Penggunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi waktu lampau.
Rumus :
( + ) s + should/would + be + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + should/would + not + be + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) should/would + s + be + V1 + V – ing
Contoh :
1. I should be meeting here at five yesterday
Aku akan datang menemuinya pada jam 5 kemarin
1. They woul be playing pingpong
Mereka akan sedang bermain pimpong
1. My father would be teaching me at seven last night
Ayahku akan sedang mengajariku jam tujuh tadi malam
1. He would be giving me a dictionary
Dia akan sedang memberiku sebuah kamus
1. We should be helping them on Sunday last week
Kami akan sedang membantu mereka dari minggu – minggu yang lalu
penggunaan :
untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan peristiwa yang akan datang sudah pada waktu lampau pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena syratnya sudah pasti tidak terpenuhi.
Rumus :
( + ) s + should/would + have + V3
( – ) s + should/would + not + have + V3
( ? ) s +should/would + s + have + V3
Contoh :
1. She would have been success if he had worket hard
Dia akan sudah berhasil jika dia telah berkerja keras
1. You would have worked if you had met me
Kau akan sedang berkerja kalau kau sudah menemuiku
1. She would have halped me if she hat not me you
Dia akan sudah membantu saya kalau dia belum menemuiku
1. We should have won it if we had played better
Kita akan sudah memenangkannya kalau kita bermain lebih baik
1. I should have come there if you had asked me
Saya akan sudah disana jika kau sudah memintaku
Pengunaan :
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan peristiwa yang akan sudah seadang berlangsung pada
waktu lampau.
Rumus :
( + ) s + should/would + have + been + V1 + V – ing
( – ) s + should/would + not + been + V1 + V – ing
( ? ) should/would + s + have + been + V1 + V – ing
Contoh :
1. I should have been working there for two years by the end of this year
Saya akan sudah sedang berkerja disana selama dua tahun menjelang akhir tahun
1. She would have been studying german for five months by the end of this year
Dia akan sudah belajar bahasa jarman selama lima bulan maret tahun lalu
1. He would have been staying here for there months by june last year
Dia akan sudah tinggal disini selama tiga tahun menjelang bulan maret tahun lalu
1. They would have been coming here for two months by last Christmas
Mereka akan sudah sedang datang kesini selama dua bulan menjelang natal yang lalu.
1. Mr. Jhon would have been teaching englise for threre months by the end of this months
Tuan jhon akan sudah sedang mengajar bahasa inggris selama tiga tahun menjelang akhir bulan ini.

Present Tense is used to talk about something in general. And it is also used to talk
about something which is happened repeatedly or habitually activities.
e.g. + The earth goes round the sun
- The earth doesn’t go round the sun
? Does the earth go round the sun ?
+ I get up at 8 o’clock every morning
- I don’t get up at 8 o’clock every morning
? Do you get up at 8 o’clock very morning?
The pattern :
S + Verb 1 (s/es)…………………………………… Everyday/today
S + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1…………………… ……Everyday/today
Do/Does + S + Verb 1………………………………Everyday/today?
QW + Do/does + S + Verb 1…………………….…Everyday/today?
We use the present simple when we say how often we do things:
e.g. How often do you go to the dentist ?
Mary doesn’t often drink tea

We use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something which is
happening at the time of speaking.
Example :Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.
We also use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something
which is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at
the time of speaking.
Example : Silvia is learning English at the moment.
We often use the Present Continuous when we talk about a period around the
Example :You’re working hard today. Yes, I have a lot of to do
We use the present continuous when we talk about the changing situation.
Example : The population without jobs is increasing very fast.
The adverbs of time used in Present Continuous tense are “NOW, RIGHT NOW,
The patterns of Present continuous tense consist of :
Positive Pattern
S + am/is/are + Verb 4…………………………………………….Now
S + sedang + 4……………………………………..sekarang
Examples :
1. I am studying English now.
2. We are going to Jakarta tomorrow (akan)
3. You are singing now.
4. He is making a cake now.
5. she is sewing a shirt now.
6. They are playing football in the field now.
7. Tom and Ani are doing their homework tomorrow.
8. The students are doing sport now.
The Negative Pattern
S + am/is/are + Not + Verb 4…………………………………… Now
S + tidak sedang + 4…………………………………….sekarang
Example :
1. I am not studying now
2. He is not sleeping now
3. My father is not watching television now.
4. we aren’t going to Jakarta Tomorrow.
The Interrogative Pattern
Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4…………………………………………..Now?
Apakah + S + sedang + 4…………………………sekarang ?
Examples :
1. Are you studying English now ? Yes, I am/ No, I am not
2. Is he eating fried rice now? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t
3. Is your father working in the office now? Yes, He is/No, He isn’t
Qusetion-word Pattern
QW + Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4…………………………………...Now?
QW + yang + S + 4……………………………………..sekarang?
Examples :
1. what are you doing now ? studying
2. Where is he studying English now ? at school

We often use the present perfect Tense to give new information or to announce
recent happening:
e.g. Do you know about Mary ? She’s gone to Jakarta.
We can use the Present Perfect Tense with already to say that something has
happened sooner than expected :
e.g. Don’t forget to post this letter, will you? I’ve already posted it.
We can use the Present Perfect Tense with just (= a short time ago)
e.g. Would you like something to eat? ‘No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch’.
We talk about a period of time that continuous up to the present, we use the
present perfect.
e.g. Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora?
Nora: Yes, I have been to 47 different countries.
We often use ever and never with the present perfect:
e.g. have you ever eaten caviar?
We have never had a car.
We have to use present perfect Tense with This is the first time…, It the first
e.g. This is the first time he has driven a car. (not drives)
We often use the present perfect with yet. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting
something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: e.g. Has it
stopped raining yet ? (not ‘did it stop’).
The pattern:
S + have/has + verb 3……………………….etc
S + haven’t/hasn’t + Verb 3…………….….etc
Have/has + S + verb 3………………….. ….etc?
QW + have/has + S + verb 3………………..etc?

S + have/has + been + verb 4…………etc S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + verb 4……etc Have/has + S + been + verb 4……….etc ? QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4…etc ?
Example :
-Pelajar pelajartengah menyanyi sejak pagi ini
+ The students have been singing since this morning
- The students haven’t been singing since this morning
? Have the students been singing since this morning ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. Hari sudah hujan selama dua jam
2. Berapa lama kamu sudah belajar bahasa inggris ?
3. Saya sudah menonton acara TV tersebut sejak dua jam
4. Dia (pr) sudah bermain tenis sejak dia berumur 8 tahun
5. Berapa lama kamu suah merokok ?
6. Mereka sudah bermain PS selama tiga jam

The Use of Simple Past Tense
We use the past simple to talk about actions or situations in the past.
The Adverbs of time used
The adverbs of time used in this tense are Yesterday, last….., a week ago, this morning , last night, yesterday morning, yester week, yester month, yesteryear, etc.
. The Patterns of Simple Past Tense
The Positive Pattern
S + Verb 2…………………………………………………… Yesterday
2. Examples :
1. John saw a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We studied English here last week.
3. They played football in the field yesteryear
3. 2.3.2. The Negative Pattern
4. S + didn’t + Verb 1…………………………………… ……..Yesterday
5. S + tidak + 1…………………………………kemarin
6. Examples :
1. John didn’t see a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We didn’t study here last week.
3. They didn’t play football in the field yesteryear.
7. 2.3.3. The Interrogative Pattern
8. Did + S + Verb 1……………………………………………..Yesterday?
Apakah + S + 1…………………………………………kemarin?
1. Did John see a crocodile in the river yesterday ? Yes, he did/No, he didn’t
2. Did you study here last week ? Yes, we did/ No, we didn’t
9. 3. Did they play football in the field yesteryear? Yes, they did/No, they
10. didn’t
2.3.4. The Question-word Pattern
QW + did + S + Verb 1……………………………….………Yesterday?
11. Qw + yang + S + 1…………………………………….?
1. What did John see in the river yesterday ? a crocodile
2. When did John see a crocodile in the river? yesterday
12. QW + Verb 2……………………………….………Yesterday? S + did
13. QW + 2……………………………..?
14. Examples :
1. Who saw a crocodile in the river yesterday ? John did
2. What grew in the rice-field last year? A coconut tree did
15. EXERCISE I : Translate these sentences into English !
16. 1. Kami menjual mobil kami kemarin
2. Apakah kamu pergi ke luar tadi malam ?
3. Dia tidak datang ke pesta itu minggu lalu
4. Apakah kamu tidur nyenyak tadi malam ?
5. Kami menjual rumah kami di Jakarta tahun lalu.
6. Manajer pemasaran tersebut melakukan penelitian minggu lalu.
7. Apakah perusahaan anda menjual kursi tahun lalu ? Ya.
8. Kapan anda menjalankan usaha anda di Jakarta ? tahun lalu
9. Siapa yang membuat kue itu kemarin ? ibu saya.
10. Apa yang jatuh di jalan kemarin ? Tas saya.
We use past continuous Tense to say that someone was in the middle of doing
something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this
time but hadn’t finished:
This time last year I was living in Brazil
We often use the past continuous Tense and the past simple together to say that
something happened in the middle of something else:
When I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.
The pattern :
S + was/were + verb 4………………….When + s + Verb 2…….……
S + was/were + not + Verb 4…………….When + s + Verb 2…………
Was/were + S + verb 4…………………. When + s + Verb 2 ……. ….?
QW + was/were + S + verb 4……………When + s + Verb 2…………?
e.g. + She was cooking rice when Tom came yesterday
- She wasn’t cooking rice when Tom came yesterday
? Was she cooking rice when Tom came yesterday ?

We use the Past perfect to say that something had already happened before this
time :
Example :
- When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home
- When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had
stolen my fur coat.
- George didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because he had already
seen the film twice.
- It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn’t
flown before.
The pattern:
S + had + verb 3…………when/before S + V2
S + hadn’t + Verb 3……… when/before S + V2
Had + S + verb 3………… when/before S + V2 ?
QW + had + S + verb 3……… when/before S + V2 ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. Rumah itu sangat sunyi ketika saya tiba. Semua orang sudah pergi tidur.
2. Saya merasa sangat lelah ketika saya pulang, jadi saya langsung pergi tidur
3. Saya tidak lapar, saya baru saja makan siang.
4. To tidak bearada di rumah ketika saya tiba. Dia baru saja keluar.

S + had been + verb 4…………when S + V2
S + hadn’t been + Verb 4……… when S + V2
Had + S + been + verb 4………… when S + V2 ?
QW + had + S + been + verb 4……… when S + V2 ?
Example :
-Merekatengah mengerjakan PR ketika saya datang kemarin
+ They had been doing the homework when I came yesterday
- They hadn’t been doing the homework when I came yesterday
? Had they been doing the homework when I came yesterday ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. Mereka sudah bermain bola selama satu jam ketika ada petir yang
2. Ken sudah merokok selama 30 tahun ketika akhirnya dia berhenti
3. Orkestra itu sudah bermain selama sepuluh menit ketika seorang laki laki
4. Mereka sudah tidur selama 6 jam ketika kebakaran itu terjadi
We often use will in this situation:
Offering to do something:
e.g. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help with it.
Agreeing and refusing to do something:
e.g. I’ve asked john to help me but he won’t
Promising to do something.
e.g. I will come to your house tonight. I promise.
Asking someone to do something.
Will you close the window, please!
The pattern :
S + will/shall + Verb 1…………………………………… Tomorrow
S + won’t/shan’t + Verb 1…………………… ………… Tomorrow
Will/Shall + S + Verb 1………………………………….. Tomorrow?
QW + will/shall + S + Verb 1…………………….………Tomorrow?
We often use will to be going to when we say what we have already decided to do,
what we intend to do in the future.
e.g. A:There’s a film on television tonight .Are you going to watch it?
B: No, I am too tired. I am going to have an early night.
The pattern :
S + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1……………………………………
S +am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1…………………… …………
Am/is/are + S + going to + Verb 1………………………………….. .?
QW + am/is/are + S + going to + verb 1……

S + will be + Verb 4 + O + at…………..o’clock
S + won’t be + Verb 4 + O + at………..o’clock
Will + S + be + Verb 4 + O + at……….o’clock ?
QW + will + S + be +Verb 4…………o’clock ?
Example :
-Kamu sedang akan pergi ke sekolah pukul 7 besok pagi
+ You will be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
- You won’t be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
? Will you be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. George sedang akan meninggalkan Indonesia pada pukul 9 besok pagi
2. Saya sedang akan menyelesaikan PR itu sore nanti
3. Dia (pr) sedang akan menonton acara di stadion tersebut nanti malam
4. Mereka sedang akan makan malam di restauran itu nanti malam
5. Para karyawan sedang akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu pukul 9 nanti malam

S + will have + verb 3 + ……….by the end……
S + won’t have + Verb 3 + ……… the end….
Will + S + have + Verb 3 + ………by the end…. ?
QW + will + S + have +Verb 3 +…………by the end… ?
Example :
-Kita sudah akan tiba di Jakarta besok sore.
+ We will have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
- We won’t have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
? Will we have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. John sudah akan selesai mengerjakan pekerjaanya menjelang akhir minggu ini
2. Menjelang minggu depan saya akan selesai membaca buku ini
3. Menjelang bulan depan dia akan membayar hutangnya
4. Kami sudah akan mendapat rumah baru menjelang akhir tahun ini

S + will have been + verb 4………since……….
S + won’t have been + verb 4…….since……….
Will + S + have been + verb 4……since……….?
QW + will + S + have been + verb 4….since…..?
Example :
-Mereka tengah akan belajarsejak pagi besok
+ They will have been studying since this morning
- They won’t have been studying since this morning
? Will they have been studying since this morning ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1.Menjelang akhir tahun ini kami akan sudah mempelajari bahasa inggris selama tiga tahun
2. Menjelang hari natal saya akan sudah bekerja di kantor ini selama lima tahun
3. Menjelang liburan sekolah ini saya sudah mengikuti tes selama 5 kali
4. Menjelang hari raya idul fitri saya sudah akan dua kali pulang ke desa

S + would + V1…IF + S + verb 2………….etc
S + wouldn’t + verb 1….+ object…………..etc
Would + S + verb 1 ….+ object ……….…..etc ?
Example :
1. Saya akan datang ANDAIKATA kamu mengundang saya
I would come if you invited me
2. Tom akan melakukan perjalanan JIKAdia punya uang
Tom would travel if he had more money
Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!
1. Jika saya jadi kamu, saya tidak akan membeli rumah itu
2. Saya akan keluar jika hari tidak hujan
3. Jika saya kaya, saya akan membeli sebuah villa
4. Jika saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris, saya akan pergi keluar negeri
5. Saya tidak akan keberatan tinggal di Amerika jika cuacanya bagus

S + would be + Verb 4……when S + verb 2……….etc
S + wouldn’t + be + verb 4….when S + verb 2………etc
Would + S + be + verb 4 ….. when S + verb 2……etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyamer eka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang
+ They would be going home when we came
- They wouldn’t be going home when we came
? Would they be going home when we came ?
Translate these sentences into English !
1. Saya akan sedang menempuh ujian hari berikutnya pada waktu itu
2. Kami akan sedang membangun rumah itu pada waktu itu
3. Mereka sedang akan bermain babak kedua pada pertandingan sepakbola
waktu itu

S + would have + verb 3…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have + verb 3 ……object………..etc
Would + S + have + verb 3 …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Ia sudah akan menjadi presiden ANDAIKATA partainya menang dalam
pemilihan umum.
- He would have become a presiden if his party had won in general election
Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!
1. Jika saya telah mengetahui bahwa kamu sakit, saya akan menemuimu
2. Tom tidak akan mengikuti ujian itu jika dia mengetahui bahwa soalnya akan
begitu sulit.
3. Jika saya berjumpa dengan mu, saya akan mengatakan hello
4. Jika saya telah mengumpulakan uang, saya akan menikahi mu
5. Saya akan mengirim surat ini jika kamu telah selesai membuatmya

S + would have + been + verb 4…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have been + verb 4…….object…………etc
Would + S + have been + verb 4.. …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyarapat tengah akan dimulai sejak pagi ANDAIKATA walikota
sudah datang tepat pada waktunya
- The meeting would have been starting since this morning if Mayor had come
on time.
Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!
1. Sedianya concert itu tengah akan dimulai andaikata artis artis itu datang pada
2. Sedianya saya tengah akan tidur andaikata mereka belum datang
3. Andaikata ayah saya telah selesai berbelanja, ibu saya akan memasak
makanan itu

Abbreviation (singkatan)
1. I am
= I’m
2. You are
= You’re
3. We are
= We’re
4. They are
= They’re
5. He is
= He’s
6. She is
= She’s
7. It is
= It’s
8. Will not
= won’t
9. Would not
= Wouldn’t
10. Do not
= Don’t
11. Does not
= Doesn’t
12. Did not
= Didn’t
13. Is not
= Isn’t
14. Are not
= Aren’t
15. Was not
= Wasn’t
16. Were not
= Weren’t
17. Have not
= Haven’t
18. Has not
= Hasn’t
19. Had not
= Hadn’t
20. Can not
= Can’t
21. Could not
= Couldn’t
22. Must not
= Mustn’t
23. Should not
= Shouldn’t
24. Might not
= Mightn’t
25. May not
= Mayn’t

1. Kalimat pasif ialah suatu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai oleh suatu perbuatan
atau yang predikatnya berawalan di…/ ter…
2. Kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitive, yaitu kata kerja yang
bisa diikuti oleh suatu objek atau benda.
3. Rumus kalimat pasif dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
S + To be + V3…………………………………by…
4. To be berfungsi untuk menentukan Tenses dari suatu kalimat dan untuk
membentuk awalan : di….atau: ter…
5. To be dapat dijabarkan dalam 16 Tenses (lihatlah 16 Tenses pada rumus
kalimat aktif)
Pelajarilah Rumus dibawah ini :
1. Present Future Tense: S + will be + V3…by…
2. Present Future Continuous Tense: S + will be + being + V3…by…
3. Present Future Perfect Tense: S + will have been + V3
4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + will have been + being + V3….
5. Simple Present Tense: S + am/is/are + V3…
6. Present Continuous Tense: S + am/is/are + being +V3…
7. Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + been + V3
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: S + have been/has been +being +V3…
9. Past Perfect Tense: S + had been +V3…
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: S + had been + being + V3…
11. Simple Past Tense: S + Was/were + V3…
12. Past Continuous Tense: S + was/were + being + V3… 13. Past Future Tense: S + would be + V3…
14. Past Future Continuous Tense: S + would be being +V3…
15. Past Future Perfect Tense: S + would have been + V3…
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + would have been + being + V3…
Penjelasan :
1. Kata kerja yang dipakai dalam kalimat pasif ialah V3 (bukan V1, V2, V4)
2. Tenses dalam kalimat pasifditentukan aleh bentuk To be nya
3. TO BE bisa terdiri dari:
a. Satu kata saja (am/is/are/was/were) lihat nomor 5 dan 11.
b. Dua kata(will be,have been, has been, had been, would be) lihat nomor1, 7, 9, 13. (am being-is being-are being-was being-were being) no. 6 dan no. 12.
c. Tiga kata (will be being, will have been, have been being, has been being, had been being, would be being and would have been) lihat nomor 2, 3, 8, 10, 14 dan 15.
d. Empat kata (will have been being dan would have been being ) no. 4
dan 16.
4. Being dalam kalimat pasif menunjukan: Continuous

Communicative English Course
S + Won’t be + V3……….(by him)………
S + Won’t be + being + V3…(by them)….
S + Won’t have been + V3….(by her)
S + Won’t have been + V3….(by the Bank)………
S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + V3….(by the Judge)
S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + being + V3… (by……)
S + (hasn’t/haven’t) + been +

Fungsi : I. Menyuruh sesorang untuk mengerjakan sesuatu.
II. Menyuruh agar sesuatu dikerjakan oleh orang lain.
Bandingkanlah kalimat-kalimat berikut:
1. Tono mengecat rumahnya hari ini.
2. Rumah Tono dicat sendiri olehnya.
3. Tono menyuruh tukang cat mengecatkan rumahnya.
4. Tono mengecatkan rumahnya.
Rumus-Rumus Causative:
A. S + to have + someone + V1 + … etc
Eg: 1. He has a mechanic repair his car today
2. He will have a mechanic repair his car tomorrow
3. He is having a mechanic ………etc now
B. S + to have + something +

Eg: 1. I had my tooth pulled out yesterday
2. Ali has had his hair cut since yesterday
Note : Perubahan Tenses hanya terjadi pada kata kerja to have.
(have (has) – had – had – having)
C. S + to get + someone + to + V1 + … etc

Eg : 1. He will get me to help him tomorrow
2. He doesn’t get me to come to his house today
3. He has get me to bring a dictionary
D . S + to get + somthing + to + V3 + … etc

Eg : 1. The girl gets her face made up (dihias)
2. I won’t get my hair cut short.
3. Budi is getting his tooth pulled out now
S + to get + somthing + to + V3 + … etc
Catat penting : Something = (sth) = sesuatu benda
Someone = (so) = seseorang (object): me, him, …
One’s (kepunyaan) = my…, your…, her…, our…, their…
Eg = example = contoh. (Eg = example gratia)

Perhatikan perubahan yang terjadi dari Rumus umum ke – TENSES TERTENTU

1. S + will + have + S.O + V1 + …
2. S + will + have had + S.O + V1 + …
3. S + have (has) + S.O + V1 + …
4. S + had + S.O + V1 + …
5. S + have + had + S.O + V1 + …has
6. S + had + had + S.O + V1 + …
7. S + will be + having + S.O + V1 + …
8. S + will + have been + having + S.O + V1 + …
9. S + (am, is, are) + V4 + S.O + V1 + …
10. S + (was, were) + V4 + S.O + V1 + …
11. S + (have been/has been) + having + S.O + V1 + …
12. S + had been + having + S.O + V1 + …
13. S + would + have + S.O + V1 + …
14. S + would be + having + S.O + V1 + …
15. S + would + have had + S.O + V1 + …
16. S + would + have been + having + S.O + …
1. to have, adalah bentuk : Infinitive (=kata kerja pokok) yang
berubah menurut Tenses tertentu. (dilahat 16 Tenses diatas)
2. S.O = Some One = adalah Object, dan bukan Subjek

Jadi: S.O, bisa menjadi = me, you, him, her, us, them.
One’s = bisa menjadi : my, your, his, her, our, dsb
S = (Subjek), seperti: I, You, He, She, We They, It, dan benda-benda lainnya.
(T.V, Radio, Weather, the wind).
3. V1, dalam rumus diatas tidak berubah dalam segala bentuk kalimat dan
bentuk Tenses apapun. V1, tetap V1, tidak ada perubahan

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Report Text
Definition of Report
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis

Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials

Language Feature of Report
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense
The Differences between Report Text and Descriptive Text
Some text types are quite difficult to differ. Such report and descriptive text have the similarity in the social function and generic structure. However if they are analyzed carefully, the slight difference between the two text types will reveal.
The purpose of the two texts are to give the live-description of the object/participant. Both the report and descriptive text try to show rather than tell the reader about the factual condition of the object. Readers by themselves will catch the impressive point of the object through that showing writing style. What make different, between report and descriptive text, is the scope of the written object. If we talk about, eg: bicycle, it belongs to report text. It will talk about bicycle in general; its parts, physical strength, function for certain people or other general characters of bike. In the other hand, descriptive text will convey more focus, for example "my bicycle" with its specific characters; color, length, wheel style, etc.
In short, report text describes the way of certain things and frequently refer to phenomenon of nature, animal and scientific object. Mostly, report is written after getting careful observation. This scientific and technical sense make clearer difference from descriptive text. The way of descriptive text in showing thing is based on the objective fact of the thing. It describe the specific thing simply as the thing is.

example of report text
Tyrannosaurus rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth's land ever to have existed. This dinosaur once roam the Earth in the Creataceous period approximately 68 to 65 million years ago.

As a carnivorous dinosaur, this giant predator most likely ambushed their prey, and devoured them with jaws full of white sharp teeth. With it's fast ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph (50 kmh), a perfect slim and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns, equipped this gigantic predator and made it even more deadly, like a killing machine.

Teks report adalah teks yang menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu (objek, makhluk hidup, kejadian alam) secara apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan yang sistematis dan berdasarkan fakta.

Ciri yang membedakan teks report dan teks descriptive adalah cara penulisannya. Teks report hanya menjelaskan topik teks secara umum, sedangkan teks descriptive menceritakan topik teks secara lebih terperinci.

Struktur teks report yaitu:
• General statement: Pernyataan awal yang menyampaikan pada pembaca mengenai topik teks secara umum
• Description: Deskripsi secara umum dari topik teks
• Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.(General Clasification)
• Deskripsi lanjutan dari General Classification (Description:tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors).

Senin, 26 Juli 2010


There are some rules to help you make comparisons in English.

1 If the adjective (describing word) is one syllable, you can add -er.
For example, small – smaller; big – bigger; nice – nicer.
2 If the adjective has two syllables, but ends in -y, you can change the end to -ier.
For example, lucky – luckier; happy – happier.
3 With other English adjectives of two syllables and more, you can't change their endings. Instead, you should use more + adjective.
For example, handsome – more handsome; beautiful – more beautiful and so on.
4 When you compare two things, use 'than'.
"She's younger than me."
"This exercise is more difficult than the last one."
5 When you want to say something is similar, use 'as – as'.
For example, "She's as tall as her brother" or "It's as nice today as it was yesterday."
6 When you want to say one thing is less than another, you can either use 'less than' or 'not as – as'.
For example, "This program me is less interesting than I thought" or "This program me is not as interesting as I thought."
7 Remember that some adjectives are irregular and change form when you make comparisons.
For example, good – better; bad – worse; far – further.
Using qualifying expressions
You can vary the strength of the comparison by using "qualifying" expressions.
1. Comparing two things
You can use "a lot", "much", "a little", "slightly" and "far" before "more / less than":
"She's a lot more intelligent than him."
"This car is much faster than the other one."
"They are much less wealthy than they used to be."
"He's a little taller than his sister."
"She's slightly less interested in football than him.
"We are far more involved in charity than they are."
When you use these qualifying expressions in English, remember the rules about using -er. If the adjective is one syllable, or ends in -y, add -er:
"He's far taller than her." (NOT "He's far more taller…")
"I'm much lazier than you!"
When the adjective is two syllables and more, you need either "more" or "less":
"He's a little more prepared for the exam than she is." (NOT "He's a little prepared er…")
2. Saying how two things are similar
You can use "almost as … as", "not quite as … as", "(not) nearly as … as", "nowhere near as … as", "twice as … as" and "half as … as" to change the extent of the similarity.
"She's almost as good as you!"
"He's not quite as confident as Susie."
"I'm not nearly as intelligent as her!"
"This painting is nowhere near as famous as the first."
"She's twice as old as him!
"He's half as interesting as you!"

the translate in Indonesia

Ada beberapa peraturan untuk membantu Anda melakukan perbandingan dalam bahasa Inggris.

1 If the adjective (describing word) is one syllable, you can add -er. 1 Jika kata sifat (kata yang menggambarkan) adalah salah satu suku kata, Anda dapat menambahkan-er.
For example, small – smaller; big – bigger; nice – nicer. Sebagai contoh, kecil - kecil; besar - lebih besar; bagus - bagus.
2 If the adjective has two syllables, but ends in -y, you can change the end to -ier. 2 Jika kata sifat memiliki dua suku kata, tetapi berakhir dengan-y, Anda dapat mengubah akhir-IER.
For example, lucky – luckier; happy – happier. Sebagai contoh, beruntung - beruntung; bahagia - bahagia.
3 With other English adjectives of two syllables and more, you can't change their endings. 3 Dengan kata sifat bahasa Inggris lainnya dari dua suku kata dan banyak lagi, Anda tidak dapat mengubah akhiran mereka. Instead, you should use more + adjective. Sebaliknya, Anda harus menggunakan kata sifat lebih +.
For example, handsome – more handsome; beautiful – more beautiful and so on. Sebagai contoh, tampan - lebih tampan; cantik - lebih indah dan sebagainya.
4 When you compare two things, use 'than'. 4 Ketika Anda membandingkan dua hal, gunakan 'daripada'.
"She's younger than me." "Dia lebih muda dari saya."
"This exercise is more difficult than the last one." "Latihan ini lebih sulit daripada yang terakhir."
5 When you want to say something is similar, use 'as – as'. 5 Bila Anda ingin mengatakan sesuatu yang mirip, gunakan 'sebagai /mirip/seperti.
For example, "She's as tall as her brother" or "It's as nice today as it was yesterday." Sebagai contoh, "Dia setinggi saat kakaknya" atau "Ini hari baik seperti yang kemarin."
6 When you want to say one thing is less than another, you can either use 'less than' or 'not as – as'. 6 Ketika Anda ingin mengatakan satu hal yang kurang dari yang lain, Anda bisa menggunakan 'kurang dari' atau 'tidak - sebagai'.
For example, "This programme is less interesting than I thought" or "This programme is not as interesting as I thought." Misalnya, "adalah program ini kurang menarik daripada aku pikir" atau "Program ini tidak semenarik yang saya pikir."
7 Remember that some adjectives are irregular and change form when you make comparisons. 7 Ingatlah bahwa beberapa kata sifat yang tidak teratur dan mengubah bentuk ketika Anda membuat perbandingan.
For example, good – better; bad – worse; far – further. Sebagai contoh, baik - baik, buruk - buruk; jauh - lebih lanjut.
Using qualifying expressions Menggunakan kualifikasi ekspresi
You can vary the strength of the comparison by using "qualifying" expressions. Anda dapat memvariasikan perbandingan kekuatan dengan menggunakan "kualifikasi" ekspresi.
1. 1. Comparing two things Membandingkan dua hal
You can use "a lot", "much", "a little", "slightly" and "far" before "more / less than": Anda dapat menggunakan "a" banyak, "banyak", "sedikit", "sedikit" dan "jauh" sebelum "lebih / kurang dari":
"She's a lot more intelligent than him." "Dia jauh lebih cerdas daripada dia (dia-kata ganti miliknya)."
"This car is much faster than the other one." "Mobil ini jauh lebih cepat daripada yang lain."
"They are much less wealthy than they used to be." "Mereka jauh lebih kaya daripada dulu."
"He's a little taller than his sister." "Dia sedikit lebih tinggi daripada kakaknya."
"She's slightly less interested in football than him. "Dia agak kurang tertarik dalam sepak bola dari dia.
"We are far more involved in charity than they are." "Kami jauh lebih terlibat dalam amal daripada mereka."
When you use these qualifying expressions in English, remember the rules about using -er. Bila Anda menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan kualifikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, mengingat aturan tentang penggunaan-er. If the adjective is one syllable, or ends in -y, add -er: Jika kata sifat adalah salah satu suku kata, atau berakhir dengan-y, tambahkan-er:
"He's far taller than her." "Dia jauh lebih tinggi daripada dia." ( NOT "He's far more taller…") (TIDAK "Dia jauh lebih tinggi ...")
"I'm much lazier than you!" "Aku lebih malas dari Anda!"
When the adjective is two syllables and more, you need either "more" or "less": Ketika kata sifat adalah dua suku kata dan lebih, Anda perlu juga "lebih" atau "kurang":
"He's a little more prepared for the exam than she is." "Dia agak lebih siap untuk ujian daripada dia." ( NOT "He's a little prepareder…") (TIDAK "Dia prepareder kecil ...")
2. 2. Saying how two things are similar Mengatakan bagaimana dua hal yang serupa
You can use "almost as … as", "not quite as … as", "(not) nearly as … as", "nowhere near as … as", "twice as … as" and "half as … as" to change the extent of the similarity. Anda dapat menggunakan "hampir sama ...", "tidak cukup sebagai ... sebagai", "(tidak)" hampir sama ..., "tempat dekat sebagai ... sebagai", "dua kali ... sebagai" dan "setengah ... sebagai" mengubah tingkat kesamaan.
"She's almost as good as you!" "Dia hampir sama baiknya dengan Anda!"
"He's not quite as confident as Susie." "Dia tidak cukup percaya diri sebagai Susie."
"I'm not nearly as intelligent as her!" "Aku tidak hampir secerdas dia!"
"This painting is nowhere near as famous as the first." "Lukisan ini adalah tempat dekat setenar pertama."
"She's twice as old as him! "Dia dua kali lebih tua seperti dia!
"He's half as interesting as you!" "Dia setengah menarik seperti Anda!"


Narrative Text adalah teks yang berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng (bisa berupa cerita rakyat (folktale), cerita binatang (fable), Legenda (legend), cerita pendek, dll). Di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian. Fungsi utama teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembaca.

Generic Structure:
Orientation - Complication - Evaluation (optional) – Resolution

berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)

Berisi puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita. Sebuah cerita boleh memiliki complication lebih dari satu

ini merupakan optional (boleh ada boleh tidak), biasanya dipakai untuk membuat jalan cerita lebih menarik.

Pemecahan masalah. Bisa berakhir dengan kegembiraan (happy ending) bisa pula berakhir dengan kesedihan (sad ending)

example of narrative:

The Little Jackal and The Alligator

The little Jackal was very fond of shell-fish. He used to go down by the river and hunt along the edges for crabs and such things. And once, when he was hunting for crabs, he was so hungry that he put his paw into the water after a crab without looking first, — which you never should do! The minute he put in his paw, snap ! — the big Alligator who lives in the mud down there had it in his jaws.

“Oh, dear!” thought the little Jackal; “the big Alligator has my paw in his mouth! In another minute he will pull me down and gobble me up! What shall I do? what shall I do?” Then he thought, suddenly, “I’ll deceive him!”

So he put on a very cheerful voice, as if nothing at all were the matter, and he said, –

“Ho! ho! Clever Mr. Alligator! Smart Mr. Alligator, to take that old bulrush root for my paw! I hope you’ll find it very tender!”

The old Alligator was hidden away beneath the mud and bulrush leaves, and he couldn’t see any thing. He thought, “Pshaw ! I’ve made a mistake.” So he opened his mouth and let the little Jackal go.

The little Jackal ran away as fast as he could, and as he ran he called out, –

“Thank you, Mr. Alligator! Kind Mr. Alligator! So kind of you to let me go!”

The old Alligator lashed with his tail and snapped with his jaws, but it was too late; the little Jackal was out of reach.

After this the little Jackal kept away from the river, out of danger. But after about a week he got such an appetite for crabs that nothing else would do at all; he felt that he must have a crab. So he went down by the river and looked all around, very carefully. He didn’t see the old Alligator, but he thought to himself, “I think I’ll not take any chances.” So he stood still and began to talk out loud to himself. He said, –

“When I don’t see any little crabs on the land I most generally see them sticking out of the water, and then I put my paw in and catch them. I won der if there are any fat little crabs in the water to-day?”

The old Alligator was hidden down in the mud at the bottom of the river, and when he heard what the little Jackal said, he thought, “Aha! I’ll pretend to be a little crab, and when he puts his paw in, I’ll make my dinner of him.” So he stuck the black end of his snout above the water and waited.

The little Jackal took one look, and then he said, — “Thank you, Mr. Alligator! Kind Mr. Alligator! You are exceedingly kind to show me where you are! I will have dinner elsewhere.” And he ran away like the wind.


Keduanya memakai simple past tense, yang membedakan untuk recount akan ada series of events saja yang berupa urutan kegiatan yang dilakukan, sementara dalam narrative yang ada complication dimana disana ada konflik antar tokoh dalam cerita.

Pahami isinya dulu. Nah, di dalam teks Narrative, ciri khasnya selalu ada konflik dan penyelesaian di dalamnya. Tanpa adanya konflik, sebuah narrative tidak bisa lagi disebut sebagai narrative.

Contoh konflik dalam hal ini adalah seperti apa yang dialami cinderella degan ibu tirinya. Sedangkan dalam Recount hanya berisi tentang kejadian-kejadian yang datar, seperti apa yang terjadi 4 jam lalu kemudian 3 jam lalu terus 2 jam lalu dan seterusnya, hanya series of events atau rentetan peristiwa saja.

Tapi baik narrative atau recount sama-sama menggunakan Past Tense dan atau teman-temannya (past perfect tense dan past continuous tense)


Ada kesamaan mendasar antara kedua jenis teks tersebut, yaitu sama-sama menjelaskan suatu keadaan dari dari suatu objek. Namun perbedaan diantara keduanya juga sangat jelas, dimana descriptive lebih detail dan spesifik. Secara teknis perbedaan tersebut bisa kita lihat dengan mudah pada judul teksnya.

Misalnya: sebuah teks dengan judul “Hospitals”

Dari judulnya saja kita dapat menentukan bahwa teks ini adalah report. Yaitu report tentang rumah sakit–rumah sakit pada umumnya. Berbeda halnya jika judulnya adalah “Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital” teks ini tidak akan menjelaskan situasi rumah sakit pada umumnya, namun spesifik menjelaskan RSCM (RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo). Have you got it? Gampang bukan?.

Jika kalian masih ingin mendapatkan pemahaman lain mengenai keduanya, simaklah ilustrasi berikut:

Katakanlah saya sedang ingin menulis tentang kucing kesayangan saya. Kemudian saya memberi judul pada tulisan tersebut “Blecky, My Cat” (Kucingku si Blecky). Dalam tulisan tersebut saya menjelaskan secara detail keadaan kucing saya seperti warnanya, berat dan tinggi badannya, jenisnya, serta ciri-ciri khusus yang ada pada Blecky misalnya memakai kalung warna pink, dan sebagainya. Sehingga orang yang membaca tulisan saya itu akan mengenali si Blecky yang ia jumpai di jalan sebagai si Blecky kucing saya. Walaupun mungkin ia belum pernah melihat kucing saya itu. Nah tulisan saya itu bergenre (bertipe) descriptive.

Berbeda halnya jika saya ditugasi guru Biologi untuk mendeskripsikan binatang kucing secara umum. Maka saya akan menulis teks tentang kucing dalam bentuk report dengan judul "The Cats". Yang pasti kalung warna pink seperti punya si Blecky tidak akan saya tulis dalam tulisan kali ini.